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We went over to Colt and Hedli's house for the meal. Their family rarely saw me when they were here. My favorite one would have to be their grandfather. Vietnam war veteran and goofy grandpa who's not afraid to speak his mind.

He kept telling everyone last time he was here that he's not dying until Bucky here gets married then he can kick the bucket. He knows Zach will never marry or make a good husband with his laziness and all.

We entered the house and the family got quiet. "There's Ali. Where have you been girl?" Grandpa Ray said. The family went back to talking. "I've been asleep because someone wanted to watch Duck Tales again."

Bucky looked off into the distance. "Once a Disney lover always a Disney lover." I giggled. He was very wise too. "Hey Bucky boy when are ya gonna get you a girl?"

"In time grandpa. Just be patient." "I'm almost eighty years old. I can't wait much longer." He told Bucky. "Yeah sure if he got married before me you'd be nagging on me." Colt said coming up.

"Glad to have you here Ali." He told me. Never once did Bucky leave my side. He seems cautious today. I would have been too. Well I don't exactly want to be here but I have to.

Of course he talked to his cousins and family but kept me in his view. One of the twins came over to me. Wyatt went around my legs hiding. "Shhh. I hiding." He told me. I giggled and stood still while his dad was looking for him.

"Are you running from your daddy?" I asked him. He giggled like a little school girl. Yup he was. Then he moved over behind Bucky. He didn't know he was there. "Hedli is Colt looking for Wyatt?" "Yeah." "Tell him to look behind Bucky. And make sure to scare both."

She looked over and giggled. A few seconds later I saw Colt creeping through the crowd. Wyatt was cautiously peeking out from behind his uncle's legs to realize who was behind him.

Then Wyatt turned around and shrieked. Bucky jumped and me and Hedli got a kick out of it. So did the family around us. I couldn't hide my grin. Hedli couldn't either.

Colt had his son in his arms. "Did you do that? Did you scare your uncle?" Wyatt laughed. Bailie came over and wanted Colt to pick her up.

"Those two." Hedli said. "Wait until they get older." "Yeah. We wouldn't of had two if Mikey didn't jinx us." "True to that baby."

We prayed before lunch was served. Bucky made sure I was next to him. He is being overly protective today especially of me. Probably because family is here.

My phone vibrated after I was done eating. It was an unknown number. "I'm going to step outside." I told Maggie. She nodded and I stepped out onto the front porch.

"Ah this must be the angel I've been hearing about."
"I'm sorry you've got the wrong number."
"Your Ali right? Working for the Rays' on their ranch?"
"Who is this?"
"A man that wants whatever he sees and you baby doll are smokin' and I want that to myself."
"Ok first of all. No one is aloud to call me baby. Second if you don't tell me who you are I will hand the phone over to someone that probably knows you and they'll tell me."
"Calm down pumpkin."
"And don't call me pumpkin." With that I hung up and went back into the house.

My phone went off again. Same person. I ignored it and went over to Hedli. "Hey someone call you?" "Yeah. That was the third time that person has called me in the past twenty four hours."

"What's the number?" I dug my phone out of my pocket. "Oh that's Sawyer Edwards don't answer it if he calls again just give it to the nearest brother. I always gave it to Colt. Those two are enemies."

My phone vibrated with the number. "I'll take care of it." She took my phone and handed it to Bucky. "Who's this?" "Just answer it." He did and stepped outside.

"You might want to be standing by the door when he comes in. He won't be happy."

Bucky's POV
My sister in law gave me a phone and told me to answer it. I did and it was Sawyer.
"Come on sugar I didn't mean it."
"F off Sawyer no one here like you."
"Bucky boy! How are you?"
"You've got three seconds to hang up or else next time I see you I will give you a good kick in the arse."
He gulped and hung up. He knew not to mess with me especially when it came to family.

Last time it was about my girlfriend and I sent him to the hospital and I spent the night in jail. Not afraid to do it again. My brother bailed me out after I called him then went to court only to tell them that he instigated it.

I went back into the house and Ali was standing there. Now it clicked, Sawyer called her multiple times to try and hook up with her and this was her phone. I handed her the phone and led her back deeper into the house. My arm around her.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now