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He told me to go and get his pickup for him while he cut the trees into logs. I drove it out and backed it up. He started loading the logs up. I helped him by stacking the logs in the bed of his truck.

When it was full the tailgate was closed and we continued to stack until every single log was in the back. "I'll get this split in no time at all." He told me.

I rode my horse up to the barn. I took the harness off him and brushed him down. Then I led him to a stall and stuck him in it. Good thing Zach wasn't around at all. I went over to Buck's to help him with the wood.

I stacked the wood up while he cut it smaller. When we were done I sat down on his tailgate. "Good thing it was cool enough today." He said. "Yeah." I hesitated for a moment before saying. "Thanks for showing me how to use a chainsaw."

"How else are you supposed to get firewood?" I giggled. He put his arm around my shoulders. We understood each other after sharing what we went through.

I hope I can change his mind about marriage and children, because he's an amazing guy and I don't think he knows I'm falling for him.

"Would you like to come over for supper tonight?" I asked him. "Depends on what you're cooking." "I was thinking about making some spaghetti and shrimp." "I don't think I've tried that."

"Then you should. It's really good." "Let's get cleaned up and see about it afterwards." I looked at him. He had a content look in his eyes and on his face.

"I'll see you in about thirty minutes?" I asked. "Well I've got to see how it's made."

I woke up and threw on some jeans and a shirt

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I woke up and threw on some jeans and a shirt. I went to the barn and fed my horse after feeding Rusty. I was in a great mood for my birthday. Last night Buck and I talked about anything going on to the point where he asked me when my birthday was.

He was shocked when he found out it was the same as his. I quickly mucked out stalls and cleaned water troughs. I pitched the horses more hay and took the flatbed for more.

I loaded the bed up with as much as was needed and took it back to the barn. Nothing was going to put me in a bad mood today.

A truck and trailer pulled up. Someone pressed buttons on the keypad and the gate opened. Looks like Colt and Hedli are back.

I fixed their horses' stalls up and put water in the buckets. The trailer backed up to the barn and Colt got out. I unlatched the trailer and he got the horses out. "The stalls are ready." I told him.

"Thanks." I helped unload the trailer and set the tack in the tack room. "Is Bucky awake yet?" He asked. "Haven't seen him all morning." I told Colt. He nodded and parked the trailer by the barn.

Zach came up behind me. "Trying to avoid me?" "Nope. I'm doing my job while you sit around and be lazy." I said walking off. Yup I left him there.

I could hear Buck and Colt all the way by the barn. I rolled my eyes and got to work. Today I had to stack square bales. I got into my truck and drove over to the hayfield.

I got my gloves on and started loading the bales into the back of my truck. I've never done anything fun for my birthday. That's one thing I didn't tell Buck that night.

Talk about having no fun. I took each truck load up to the barn and stacked it up. The new on bottom and the older on top. I got through two truck loads when Joseph's truck pulled in.

He got out as I set the last bale down. "Working on your birthday?" "Yes sir. I've got nothing better to do." "Doubt that. Have you eaten breakfast yet?" He asked.

Now that I think about it I skipped breakfast completely. "No sir." "Come on then this is a birthday tradition of ours. Your apart of it too." "Are you sure?" I asked. "Of course I'm sure. Your considered family." I set my gloves in my truck and locked it up.

"We can come back for your truck later." He backed out and I locked the gate up. "Just hop in the back." I went over to the passenger side and got in the backseat.

"Oh and Bucky told us about it being your birthday too." I knew he was sitting next to me in the middle in between me and Zach. "Colt's going to meet us over there." Now I could feel him smirking.

I looked out the window. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Obviously it's something."
'I've never done anything fun on my birthday.' I texted him.
"We're going to have to change that." What did he mean by that?

Joseph pulled into Cracker Barrel. I looked at Buck. "Every time someone has a birthday on the ranch we come here to celebrate." "Let's go!" Joseph said. I got out and Buck got out after me. Colt and Hedli pulled up and got the twins out.

We walked in. Right away I saw this deer beanie boo. "Feel free to look around while we're waiting on a table. Especially the two." I was kind of puzzled.

"We also get to choose something from the store." Buck told me. Oh that's what he meant. When no one was looking I looked at the deer. It had blue eyes and its color was almost blonde.

I looked at the name tag. Bucky. I giggled. Now that's cute. "What did you find?" Maggie asked. I showed her the beanie boo. "Oh my goodness. That does resemble someone." She said chuckling. "If you want it you can have it." She told me.

"Really?" "Absolutely. And because it does look a whole lot like someone we both know." I smiled brightly. After breakfast I got the deer and Maggie secretly bought it.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now