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It warmed up enough before Christmas for the roads to thaw and melt. I was able to make a hay run without slipping and sliding on the road.

I got back and unloaded the hay. Joseph and Maggie were fine after a few days. Somehow Zach survived it. Bucky stopped being so overly protective after he started dating me.

He's taking me to dinner somewhere nice. Our first date tonight. I mucked stalls out and went out with Bucky to check on the herd.

"Where are we going?" I asked him for the millionth time. "I'm not saying a word." He told me. I looked away then scratched Copper. He let me ride his horse.

The snow was about a foot high. He thought I'd be safer on his. I went along with it though. "All I can say is dress nice." When he went to check on his grandfather he took me along with him.

He was the first to find out Bucky was dating me. He was excited. Already telling Bucky to marry me. I of course got a kick out of it. Then teased Bucky about it later.

We got a head count and herded them closer to the barn. "Now if your wondering what that paddock behind your house was really for we've got to move the herd into it before four o'clock."

Rusty trotted in front of the horses. "Get them on the right and I'll go on the left." I nodded and went in that direction. Once they were in I looked over at Buck. He had a cautious but curious look on his face.

I knew he was counting them as they went into the pasture. I rode over to him. "Missing one. The little bull calf." I checked the time. It was three thirty.

"I guess we can go look around for fifteen minutes?" I kinda asked. "Ten." I turned Copper and got him into a canter. We went through the brush where the cattle were earlier.

Buck called me when the ten minutes were up. I heard a bellow. I hung up on him and put my phone up. I got off Copper and went closer.

The bellow was louder as I got closer. I stepped through a bush and found the calf. He was caught in a trap. I got over to him and broke the trap open.

Then helped him over to Copper. He knelt and the calf was put on his back. I got on behind the calf after Copper stood. He trotted out and we were on our way to the barn.

I pulled my phone out to check it. He's mad. He called me ten times and it was close to four thirty. "He ah." I held onto the calf and cantered up to the gate.

Course the gate was closed. I jumped off and opened it then led Copper through. I closed it back and basically jogged with Copper to the barn. Colt took the horse and I ran for my house.

I jumped in the shower and blow dried my hair I left it natural. I found a pearl snap. It was almost wrinkle free. I pulled on jeans and the shirt then a pair of good boots.

I grabbed my belt and put a little lip gloss on. I was ready. It was four fifty five.

Bucky's POV
Colt texted me telling me when she got back. The reason was, she found the calf, but it was injured. It took her almost an hour to find it. I hope it doesn't ruin dinner plans at five thirty.

I already called ahead and told them we'd be there by five thirty.

Ali's POV
I texted Bucky and told him I was ready. A few minutes later he knocked at my door. I opened it. He looked stunning. "Wh.. Wow! You. You look beautiful." He told me.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I told him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "You landed it right on time Angel." He kissed me again and led me out to my truck since his was still in repair.

The only ones that knew we were going out was Colt and Hedli. He opened the passenger door for me and closed it after I got in.

I scooted over when he got in. There was no console so free seat closer to him. He pulled into a restaurant called Café Italia. He opened the door and I slid out on the driver side.

He closed and locked the truck before leading me in. He checked the time, five fifteen. I could tell he hasn't done this in a while. I was on his right arm.

He said hello to a few people who didn't ask who I was. "Don't worry people will see you at the annual picnic before the rodeo. I'll introduce you there."

We were led to a booth. I sat across from him. A waitress brought out two wine glasses and a bottle. Once she left I turned to Bucky. "You had this planned didn't you?" He smirked. "Maybe."

Our dinner came out without us ordering. "I also preordered the meal." Ooh he's definitely got something planned if he picked shrimp scampi. For about an hour we talked and laughed. "And for dessert......"

The same waitress came over with two plates. Bucky paid the tab as we ate chocolate cheesecake for dessert. He's definitely got something up his sleeve.

I know he wouldn't be proposing, but would he?

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now