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Ali's POV
I watched as they drove away. Hopefully they won't bug me again. I unlocked the backdoor and went out to my horse. I had on a swimsuit under my clothes and was going swimming.

Today was hotter than yesterday. Dusty went with me to the pond. I took off my top revealing my bikini surfer top. I took my jeans off showing my surfer shorts. I got back on Dusty and we plummeted into the pond.

Man this felt good. I let Dusty lead me around the pond then he got out. He took off running. The wind on my wet body felt good. I loved the wet feeling with the wind whipping through my hair.

We returned to the pond. I looked out into the distance. My boss was coming this way. Dusty decided more pond time and I didn't realize he was in the pond until I felt the water on my foot.

"Is it cold?" He asked. "Yeah." I said turning Dusty. He took his shirt and jeans off. Leaving his boxers. "Then let's not waste a minute. He got onto his horse and rode into the water.

Now my heart was beating fast and my breathing was hitched. Dusty went deeper into the pond. I let go of the lead and swam freely. I swam to my horse and got back on him.

He reared and took off out of the water. Next thing I knew Copper and Buck were right next to us. He had a genuine smile on his face like he hasn't smiled for a long time.

We pulled our horses to a stop. The view was beautiful. "Wanna see a better view?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. He led the way to a trail. We went up and up. When we got to the top I saw the entire ranch.

"There's a picture in my house that has this hand drawn." He told me. It was beautiful. The sun was lowering in the sky. I took a deep breath and scanned the ranch for movement. It was so peaceful up here. I saw the pond where we were swimming and our clothes on the bank.

"Better get back before dark." He told me jokingly. I followed him back looking around for landmarks in case I wanted to go back up myself. Buck is an incredible guy. We got back to the pond and got our jeans on. I pulled my boots on and got back on my horse.

"What have I told you?" He asked with a slight smile. I put my shirt on and started heading to the house. He caught up with me easily. "So I'm guessing you got a new truck?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. The other went up in smoke and flame when it hit a tree." I explained but not completely. We rode back in silence to the house. I turned when we reached my house and I put Dusty out in his paddock.

I think I have a crush on my boss. I went in and got a shower. Then fixed myself some fish. "I could invite them to come over for some. I've got enough and can probably get more after a fishing trip." I said to Rusty. He barked in approval.

So I went up to the office at a run. Maggie and Joseph were in the office talking. "I'm fixing dinner tonight at my place your welcome to come." I told them. They nodded. "What time?" "About seven?" "Alright we'll be there and we'll tell the boys." They told me.

I grinned and went back to my place. I cooked and battered fish and hush puppies. Then got started on the fries. I made a pitcher of sweet tea and stuck it in the fridge.

Maggie and Joseph came in with a side of Mac and cheese. "The boys should be here closer to seven." I was told. Buck came in ten minutes to seven.

"Zach's passed out in his living room. He's missing a meal whiching is unusual for him." I shrugged. "More for us." Maggie said. "Wow I haven't seen fried sand bass in a while." Joseph said.

A stomach grumbled behind me. I tried not to blush. Yes he was standing right behind me watching as I cooked. I made him move when I had to take the fries out.

He was either eying me or the food.

Bucky's POV
First swimming and now she's cooking my favorite meal? I have to marry her. No not again what if she laughs at me? What if I screw up?

She looked beautiful tonight. Her hair was pulled back from her face and those jeans fit her just right. I wish I could trust women but after my last girlfriend everything went downhill.

She laughed at me and made fun of me. Never again will that happen.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now