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Today is the day. Everything was ready and the decorations were beautiful. Hedli and Maggie and a few of Bucky's girl cousins helped me get ready. His cousins were the bridesmaids and Hedli was the maid of honor.

Maggie was sitting with the twins while Colt was best man and Zach and a few of their cousins were groomsmen. The boutonnières were super cool and matched the bouquets.

Bucky was going to be in a white button up and jeans for all I knew. The best man and groomsmen were going to be in brown button up shirts and jeans.

All black felt Stetsons. We got in and drove to the church. I'm walking down the isle by myself today to my new life. When we got there Zach helped me out.

"You look beautiful today. Bucky's really lucky to have someone like you." He told me. They touched up my makeup. I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Are you ok Ali?" Maggie asked. "Yeah probably just nerves." I told her. She handed me a paper towel and I wiped my mouth before puking again.

Finally I wiped my mouth and got up. "It's ok we'll just redo your makeup around the mouth before it starts. But first your going to need to brush your teeth." She said before coming back with a toothbrush.

I brushed my teeth and they redid my makeup. A knock at the door made us all jump. Colt opened the door a crack. "They're going to start in about ten minutes." He told us.

Maggie shooed him out and the girls made sure I was ready. "Ready?" I nodded. Maggie took the twins to sit down in the front with Joseph.

"Come on Ali your up." I stepped out of the room ready for this. "You look beautiful Ali." "Thank you Colt." I told him. He smiled and turned to the doors.

They walked through last before me. "Ready?" I nodded as I set my veil. I was so nervous. It may just be nerves or it could be that I haven't had my period this month. The tune started playing and the doors opened.

I took a step into the chapel. I saw Bucky at the end of the isle dressed how I imagined him but with a suit jacket. He smiled once he saw me.

I continued down the isle to the altar. He met me at the bottom of the stairs and led me the rest of the way. "You look so beautiful Angel." He told me.

I smiled and stood by his side as the priest started. I could feel barf rising in my throat. Please hurry. I thought. We said our vows and exchanged the rings. I could feel it rise more.

"You may now kiss the bride." He put his arms on my waist and kissed me. We went down the isle and out of the chapel. Yup I'm going to puke again.

I rushed to the bathroom just to empty my guts. My hair had fallen down as I threw myself over the toilet. Someone held my hair back as I did. "Are you ok Angel?" I nodded.

He wiped my mouth and kissed my forehead. "Did you miss it this month?" He asked. I nodded. "Think it's time to see if we're both right on one thing." He said.

I knew exactly what he meant. He got what was needed and we hurried to the house. No one was over yet so I went into the bathroom to take a test. It has been over a month since we first did it.

It came up positive. I took two more, they both came up positive. "Buck." He came in and stood behind me.

Bucky's POV
I'm going to be a father. My new wife is pregnant with my baby. No wonder she got sick, mourning sickness. She felt fine but could throw up at any time. I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"We're going to be parents." I told her. Both of us were kind of in shock. We expected it but not like this. I was hoping the effects would start after we got married.

Ali's POV
Everyone arrived shortly after we found out that we're going to have a baby. Of course we didn't tell anyone about it. Not until it starts to show. We cut the cake and fed each other a bite. Then his father made a toast to us.

I danced with Bucky and each of his brothers. I lastly danced with Joseph then back to my new husband. We went over to grandpa and sat by him.

"I'm so glad that guy is now married. My oldest grandson is married." I smiled as Bucky kissed my cheek. Grandpa had to go back before nine so Joseph and Zach took him back before coming back.

Hedli and Colt took the twins to their house to put them to bed. Colt came back because Hedli wanted him to. The New Year's Eve ball was on tv. "I'll be right back." I told Bucky. He nodded and let me go.

We got the bridesmaids and maid of honor necklaces with the date of the wedding and the groomsmen and the best man pocket knives with their names engraved in each.

Bucky got each a bottle of Jack D and we're planning on giving Zach his after the wedding. We played the shoe game where Bucky and I had to sit back to back and hold up a shoe corespondent to him or me when we thought it was the answer.

"Who said I love you first?" Joseph asked us. I held up Bucky's boot since that's what we both wore. "Bucky did you say it first?" He asked him. Bucky nodded. Then after that we branded a piece of wood instead of lighting the unity candle.

We watched the ball drop and Bucky dipped me for a kiss. I'm so glad I got him as my husband.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now