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I felt a sharp pain go through my abdomen. We were on the front porch talking about anything. Our birthday was about a week away. I felt something run down my leg. "Bucky I think it's time." I said as another sharp pain went through my body.

He helped me up and to the truck. "Just breathe Angel." He told me. Eight months ago we were married. Eight months ago we found out we were going to have a baby.

He pulled up in front of the emergency room and helped me out. Never in my life did I think that I'd have an amazing husband like him let alone have a child with him, until he asked me out that one day.

We were quickly placed in a delivery room. "This baby isn't going to wait." "I know Angel." They couldn't get a doctor in here at all at the moment. Bucky went around to check. "I can see the top of its head." He told me.

I had to push my body was screaming for me to. Could have had it at home. If a doctor doesn't get here soon Bucky will have to deliver it. "It's head is coming. The doctor won't be here in time." He said.

After several tries the baby was in its fathers arms. The doctor rushed in just to see Bucky holding our baby boy. He was cleaned up and examined. "Logan Denton." Bucky said as I held our boy close.

His father delivered him. That's something no one can take away.

I sat in our bedroom rocking Logan while Bucky tried to figure out how to assemble the crib

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I sat in our bedroom rocking Logan while Bucky tried to figure out how to assemble the crib. "Bucky just ask your brother he's done it before." I told him as I fed Logan.

He shook his head and went back to the instructions. It's been a week since Logan was born. I sighed and watched as he tried to assemble it. A knock at the front door made Bucky get up from what he was doing and answer it.

I covered Logan up as he returned with his brother. "I figured you'd need help." He said as they assembled it. Once it was done Logan finally had his own bed for once. The three or four of us stepped outside.

A truck drove by, one we've never seen before..........

Book three is out!
Make sure to check out Triple R Baby!!

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now