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We got into the truck this time I'm in between the brothers. "What did you get Ali?" Zach asked. "None of your business." I told him as I scooted away from him.

"Don't scoot any closer!" Buck whispered. I smiled. They dropped me off at the hayfield and I continued my work after putting my deer in the truck.

Over half the field was done when the sun started setting. Buck's truck pulled up to the barn. I continued working. "Brought you supper compliments of my mom." I jumped off my tailgate and pulled my gloves off.

"What exactly did she fix?" I asked. "Her famous chicken and dumplings." He said setting the thermos on the tailgate. I sat down on the tailgate.

He sat next to me. The meal was good. "How much you got left?" He asked. "On what?" "The bales." "Less than half." I told him.

"I'll help you finish." "You don't have to." I told him. "But I want to." He's just as stubborn as I am. I finished eating and grabbed my gloves.

He set the thermos in my passenger seat and he helped me until all the hay bales were stacked and put up. "I think that was the last one." He said. I nodded.

Two months later It was dark out

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Two months later
It was dark out. I drove back to the ranch after getting several hay bales. "Looks like Zach's out tonight." I mumbled. I got a shower then got into my bed clothes. I made sure every door was locked and checked the windows.

Then crawled into bed with Rusty at the foot. I fell asleep hoping that Zach didn't try to break in.

Rusty barking woke me up. I got up and looked out. Zach was trying to get in. He broke the door and I grabbed my heavy jacket and slid my boots on before I snuck out the window. Rusty went to his dog house and curled up in the straw.

I ran to the barn and went in. I closed the door and turned the light on. The horses nickered to greet me. I walked down the isle to Dusty's stall. I went in and scratched him.

He laid down in the straw and I laid down next to him. He let me use his neck as a pillow. He nickered as I stroked his neck.

Bucky's POV
"Hello." I answered sleepily.
"Could you go and check on Ali? Zach's truck is parked over at her house." Dad asked.
"Yeah." I said sitting up.

I got out of my warm bed and pulled on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve. I put my boots on and pulled a hoodie on. I got into my truck and drove over to her house.

I parked and got out. The lock on the door was broke. I went straight to her room. Zach was on her bed naked and passed out. Wait till Colt and dad hear about this. I rolled him off her bed and threw him out right onto a sticker patch.

I stripped her bed and threw the sheets and comforter in the washer and turned it on. Her pillow was on the other side of the room. I checked it and it was clean.

She was no where in the house. Her window was open so I assumed she went out the window. The lights in the barn were on. I drove over to the barn to check it out.

A door was cracked. I went in. All the horses looked at me except one. I went over to Dusty's to check on him. He was laying down with Ali next to him. I entered the stall. It can get colder out here than it does inside a house.

I crouched down and rubbed her arm. There's no way she's sleeping. She rolled over and saw me. "What are you doing out here? It's cold out." I said. "Zach tried to break in." "He's already dealt with. Why don't you come over to my house for the night."

I helped her up. She was in a long sleeve shirt and short sport shorts. Along with her boots. "Need anything for tomorrow?" I asked. "Just jeans and a long sleeve."

Ali's POV
He came back to the truck with clothes for me. The truck was warmer than the barn. He pulled up to his house and helped me out. He led me through the dark house to a room.

He flipped the light on and led me over to the bed. "I hope your comfortable." He closed the door as he left.

I took my jacket off and my boots. Then crawled into the bed. It was warm and cozy. I fell fast asleep under the warm blankets.

Bucky's POV
I gave her my warm bed and room for the night while I took one of the guest bedrooms. Before going to bed I checked in on her. She was asleep curled up under my covers. Definitely going to regret what I'm about to do.

I went over to the bed and got under the covers. I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her. I know she'll hate it in the morning when she catches me in bed with her.

The reason I agreed to check on her was because something was telling me to protect her. She grew up without someone caring if she was alive or not. Even if the maids and teachers she had did she had no family that did.

I wanted her to be in our family. She deserves a family, but I don't want my heart broke again.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now