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Both came in with their parents. "It's warmer upstairs. We've been staying there for the past week but we're running out of supplies." "I'll be back." I told them.

I went out and to my house. The back door wasn't blocked as badly. I busted it open because of the lock. I grabbed my large duffle bag and went through my cabinets and freezer. The duffle was full of canned goods. I found a plastic sled in the shed and put the meat on it.

I got the food up to the house with help of my dog. "She stocked up for winter." Colt said as he took the duffle from me. I even got myself clothes so I could stop wearing my boyfriend's clothes. "We've got enough to last."

That night I laid on a pallet in a room. "This use to be my room." Bucky said as he laid down next to me. "Oh really?" He kissed my lips.

Hedli's POV
"I'd say their dating." Colt whispered to me. "Why do you think that?" I asked him. "He's love struck. Only when he's not working is he like that."

"Especially around her?" "Especially. She's shown interest in him and that hooked him. The other day when she got him out of the creek. She took him over to his house and made him take a hot bath. She even stayed to make sure he got plenty of rest and fixed him hot meals."

"So that's when all of this really started." "I think it started before that. Dad saw them both on the ridge where Bucky goes to calm down. He could tell they were talking."

He got up to check the fire. Before the twins were born we had the upstairs expanded and got a fireplace installed upstairs. That October after they were born Colt built a fence to keep them out and away from the fireplace.

Ali's POV
I woke up in my boyfriend's arms on his chest. I lifted my head and looked around. Then slipped out of his grip. He quickly reached out and grabbed me.

"Where are you going?" He asked huskily. I rolled over and kissed him. "I want to get up." I told him. He pulled me closer. "But I want you next to me."

I snuggled back into his chest. He kissed my head. I'd have to admit it is pretty warm next to him. He pulled me as close as he could to his body. I fell back asleep.

Screeching woke us. I sat up and looked out the door. Rusty looked up at me. I got up and grabbed my clothes. I went into the bathroom off the bedroom and changed into the clothes.

I came out and went into the main part. "Sorry did they wake you?" "No not at all I was already awake." I told Hedli. "Colt went out to feed the horses." "I'm going to clean their stalls and get more hay." I told her as I fixed a hot thermos.

"Stay warm." "I will and if Buck gets up tell him I'm out in the barn mucking stalls." "I will." I pulled my boots on over my doubled socks and pulled my coat on and zipped it up.

I wrapped my neck in a scarf and put earmuffs on. I went out leaving Rusty in the house. I walked to the barn and got the draft horse. "Going for hay?" I looked up.

"Yeah. Wanna help? These guys need it." "After I feed and water them." Once he was done we hitched the sled to the horse and went to the hayfield.

We loaded up a weeks worth of hay and went back to the barn. Bucky was now out and cleaning the stalls. "Thought that's where you two went." Bucky said as we arrived in the barn.

We gave the horses plenty of hay and made sure they were warm. Dusty was stall bored. Never good for me. I got him out and led him up and down the isle way. We did that with the rest of the horses letting them stretch their legs.

"Good idea while I'm mucking stalls. Letting the horses exercise." When he was done we put the horses up and headed back to the house.

"Sorry it took so long. The horses had to get stall jitters out." Colt told Hedli when we came in. I pulled my boots and coat off. "Later we're going out to find the herd." He said kissing his wife.

I went up to get warm. Bucky followed me. He picked me up halfway and carried me up the stairs. We basically cleared a pathway to the barn and back.

He sat down against the wall with me on his lap. He was still warm. I curled up against his chest and watched as the fire danced.

 I curled up against his chest and watched as the fire danced

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Hey! Ok so I start school tomorrow. Yay freshmen year! 😒 I know nothing about it and I don't know what to do. One chapter updates except on the weekends! Love my readers!!!!

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now