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"Yes!! Yes!" He jumped up. Then wrapped me in his arms and kissed me making sure to add his tongue. The family applauded. He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed me again.

"Finally he's getting married." Grandpa said. Bucky picked me up and spun me around. "Now you know why I wanted you to look nice for today." He told me. I smiled before pulling him in for another kiss.

He didn't care at all. After the family left talking about how Zach was the only one that wasn't married yet, Bucky and I went over to his house. "So does this mean I get to see more of you and less of clothing?" I asked him as soon as we were far from ears hear.

"Just wait Angel. All in good time." When we entered the house I took my hoodie off and threw it next to his. He picked me up and carried me to his room. "I haven't even gotten my boots off!" I almost yelled.

He took my boots off and his before going another step. We went into his room and onto the bed. He took my shirt off and threw it somewhere with his. I loved how he didn't care when he loved on me, just that he did it.

Our jeans were the next to go. We always stopped at underclothing just for the simple fact that it was the only thing stopping us from going too far.

"How about we get married New Year's Eve and then have a child directly after that?" He asked. "Sounds like a plan Bucky Boy." He growled against me after I used that nickname.

"Never. Call. Me. That. Angel." He said huskily. He was just making me melt against his touch. I enjoyed every minute of it. "What colors?" He asked. "Brown. White camo." "Flowers?" "For the. Grooms. Hollowed out shotgun shells with flowers in them and the traditional bouquets with shotgun shells mixed into the flowers." I said the last part without him kissing me.

"Perfect for us." He said.

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I went to get a shower and he got in with me

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I went to get a shower and he got in with me. "No way could I pass this up." He said spinning me around and kissing me. He may not want me to see anything until after we get married, but I can definitely feel it.

"Your so beautiful." "I'm all yours." I told him. "Yes you are." He picked me up and pressed me against the shower wall as the water ran over us. I could tell he was trying to be gentle with me because we were both naked.

He pulls away and set me down before stepping out. I wasn't concerned at all by the fact that he pulled away. He knew for a fact that I'd be a month pregnant by the time we got married if we continued.

I finished showering and got out. He was leaning against the counter stark naked. "Am I doing anything wrong?" He asked. I took a towel and handed it to him.

He took it and put it around his waist tightly. "Your not doing anything wrong. Why would you think that?" I asked him. He turned to look at me.

"I've only gotten to the proposal never would I of imagined that you would say yes. I thought you were going to turn me down in front of my family."

I put my arms around his neck. "Buck how many times have I talked about our future with you? How many times have we talked about getting married?" I asked him.

He looked down at me. "How many times have we talked about our future this week?" I asked. He pulled me in close to him. "Every time we're together." He told me. His voice shaky. He picked me up.

I could see tears forming in his eyes. "I'm never going to leave you for someone I think is better than you. You treat me better than any guy I've met. Your amazing." I told him wiping the tears away.

He held me closer. "I know. I just can't get it out of my head." "What if we do something we've been waiting to do?" I asked. "I thought you wanted to wait." He said.

"We're going to get married in about a month. No one is going to suspect anything." I told him. "It will be born about a month before the twins." "I don't care when it will arrive. As long as we're married everything will be fine." I told him.

He kissed me and set me up on the counter. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. I kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" I asked. He smirked and stood in between my legs.

He kissed me as he pulled me onto him. I let him love me completely.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now