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The officer saw me standing close to Bucky. "With the way she's talking she doesn't want to." He told Sawyer. Sawyer glared at me before walking off. "If he gives you anymore trouble let me know." The guys nodded and the officer walked away.

"I bet he'll try something while games." One said. "Several have something to do with horses. That much I can tell you."

"Bareback barrel racing is about to begin anyone can enter."

My eyes lit up. "May I ride Copper?" I asked Bucky. He had to see it coming. "Be careful." He told me. He released his hold and I ran over to his horse. Hackamore sand bridles were the only thing accepted for the event. No halters with leads.

I unhitched Copper and jumped onto his back. "You let her ride your horse? She must be special then." He came over and led Copper over. I could have but I wanted him to.

Copper was anxious to go. Everyone in it warmed their horse up in plenty of time. No one knew I was a champ in barrel racing except the Ray family.

"First up is Callie Zane." The mayor announced. It was a twelve year old girl on a pinto pony. After a few more girls a boy went. He took the lead in the small competition.

Sawyer went after him and nearly fell of the poor horse. The hat rule wasn't in effect here so the only deduction was knocking a barrel over.

"And finally Ali Marie." I went up to the line ready. Copper pranced in place as they set the last barrel up after Sawyer knocked it over. "When your ready." I nodded and got Cooper into a gallop.

Cutting around the first barrel clockwise. Then the second counterclockwise. Finally around the last barrel and kicking it home. Copper sprinted back to the start line.

We cross it and I cooled him down. "With a time of 10.5 Ali Marie has swept the competition away."

I could pull that in Salt Lake City easily. It helped to practice bareback to get more footing with a saddle. I rode over to Bucky. I slid off Copper into his arms.

"Now I knew what you meant by ERA barrel champ." He told me. He kissed my forehead and led Copper back over to Dusty. Rusty was sitting next to my horse tied.

He's the best. Then another game was played. I stood next to Hedli while Bucky and Colt competed in this one. "One or the other always wins it, but they never let victory get in the way of being brothers." I smiled as Bucky jumped over the fence placed and onto Dusty.

He had to have the cattle in the pen in record time. A few seconds later the five steers were penned. Colt was the last one to compete. Bucky came over to me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

I leaned on his shoulder and put an arm over his. He had taken his hoodie off before the event and was in his tee that matched it. I could see myself having a life with him. Right now he looked so good I wanted to drag him to the truck for a quick make out.

Bucky won the comp and Colt came in second. "You should let someone else win besides your brother." "Tell him that." He whispered in my ear.

We got our lunch and I sat next to him. "Buck you never introduced us to her. That's shameful of you." He shook his head and smirked.

"Ali these are the guys that helped me from pounding Sawyer's face in throughout high school." "Seriously dude? I'm Bobby." The dark haired one said nodding.

"Yeah and that's beavis and butthead." Bucky said as the other two looked up.  "Ryan. Or what he calls me Beavis." "Harold, or Butthead." The last one said. "Ali."

"Definitely a pleasure to meet you." Bobby told me. I shyly smiled. "He's trouble." Ryan told me. I giggled. Bucky pulled me closer. I tried to scoot away, he pulled me closer almost on his lap.

"Where are you going?" He asked starting to tickle my side. I chuckled trying to get away. He pulled me onto his lap and continued. "She's more trouble than I am." He told them as I tried to get away from him as he tickled me.

Finally I threw my leg over and ran. He caught up to me and we both fell in the grass laughing. He kissed my cheek holding me tighter. "I love you so much." He told me. "I love you too." I told him.

He kissed my lips adding his tongue to the mix. "Hey love birds time for the next game." Bucky looked into my eyes. "We better go back." He told me getting up. He helped me up and we walked over to the next event.

"Oh it's the egg race." Bucky whispered as he stood behind me. I could tell he was wanting to do more than he could here to me. "We can go to the truck real quick after this game."

He chuckled pulling me closer. "I love how your thinking." After the game we snuck away to the truck. Before we got there he picked me up and pressed me against it. Attacking me with his lips.

We broke apart. "I've been wanting to do that all day." He told me. I put my lips on his. He moved his hands along my body down to my hips. I didn't want him to stop.

Then several whistled and shouted. He turned to look as I did. His buddies were there with a few others. "Their crazy." "We'll finish this tonight. My house." He smirked and put me down.

"Yes we will." He kissed me once more. We were caught sneaking away for that and had to walk in front of them.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now