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Annual Rodeo Picnic

I pulled a pair of jeans on and the tee I got for Christmas. Then grabbed my hoodie. I stepped out and hooked my leash on Rusty. He was aloud to go to the picnic today with us. He loved people, but not enough to jump up on them.

Yes my red heeler/pitbull wasn't scared of people or overly friendly. He's only two years old too. I loaded him into the cab and went to get Bucky. Colt hasn't left yet so this is also a good luck picnic for him.

Bucky jumped in. "Know where your going?" I let him take the drivers seat. He scratched Rusty and were about to go to the park. "Oh the horses. We have to park a mile from the park and ride in on horses. That's what they thought of us doing this year."

I drove back to my house and got my trailer. He tacked up his horse. "May I ride Copper? You know how he loves no saddle." He smirked and saddled Dusty. Dusty loves the saddle for some odd reason. I guess that tells him it's time to go to work.

I put my hackamore on Copper and loaded him up. Bucky loaded my horse and closed the back. I got in and so did he. He kissed me and we took off.

Everyone was already there. He backed the truck up and got out. He opened my door and helped me out. We unloaded the horses and I got on Copper.

Bucky whistled to Rusty and he jumped up in his arms. He put the dog on the horse then got on. Then pulled Dusty closer to Copper. Rusty carefully crossed horses and laid down behind me.

Bucky's POV
Nobody in town believes I'll let just anyone ride my horse. When she asks it's like I have to let her. Those blue eyes are what get me every time. Every now and then I have to tell her no to a few things, but then she forgets about it and continues with whatever.

Ali's POV
I followed him to the park on the man made horse trail just for the event. Several were watching as I rode up behind Bucky.

I felt kind of unwelcome as we stopped. That's something I've felt all my life. Part of me wanted to run but another part told me to stay. We rode up to where the other horses from Triple R were and hitched ours there.

Rusty stayed by me until Bucky got his leash and clipped it on. He put his arm around me and led me over to the crowd. I didn't notice that he had on his hoodie until now.

Crowds weren't my thing either. He held me and my dog as we got closer and closer to the group of over fifty people. I felt so out of place here it was unreal. His thumb rubbed on my back as we stopped beside a guy.

"Looks like you've finally got one." The guy said to Bucky. Rusty nudged my leg. He could sense my uneasiness. "Yeah." He moved his hand to my arm and pulled me closer into his side.

The over protective side of him was coming out. I leaned into him as he held me to his right side. "Cool hoodies. Where did you get them?" Another asked. "Ask Colt and Hedli." Bucky told him.

I heard Rusty growl. He rarely growls. I looked behind me he was sitting down glaring at Sawyer. I reached around Bucky and got the leash from him. Rusty moved forward a little.

"Looks like your dog hates Edwards." Bucky finally looked behind him then back to them. "Yeah. I bet if she dropped the leash he'd attack him." I pulled the leash tighter until I knew my dog was right at my the back of my legs.

I zoned out until Bucky rubbed my arm. "You ok?" He asked quietly. I nodded. "Scared of big groups." I moved closer to his side. He rubbed my arm and kissed my forehead.

I don't care if he introduces me to his friends. I just didn't want Sawyer any closer than he was. Rusty growled louder. He continued to growl until he jerked on the leash. Luckily Bucky had a strong grip on it too so I wouldn't be jerked back.

Sawyer came up beside me. Rusty put himself in between us. I knew my dog would bite him if he tried to touch me. Bucky moved me to his left side, him still holding onto Rusty.

"I'd leave now Edwards or else you'll be leaving here with blood dripping from your face." I put my head in his side. His arm tightened around me pulling me closer.

Now he's being protective of me, extremely. "I just wanted to talk to her." "No chance." Bucky almost spat. The guys watched as Bucky held me on one side and glared at Sawyer.

This could get bad. "I want to talk to her." "She doesn't want to talk to you." I slipped my hand under his hoodie and shirt and traced a pattern on his back.

"I suggest you leave before something happens." He finally said. "Not until I talk to her." I was now standing sideways against Bucky. My boot could easily bruise Sawyer's leg.

Then a police officer came over. "What seems to be the problem here?" He asked. "We were just minding our own business and Edwards here came over to us." One said.

"I just came over here to talk to Ali." Sawyer told the officer. I glared at Sawyer as he pointed to me. I'm not going to kick him with the officer standing there.

"Not talking." I told him. I would have cussed Sawyer out to where Bucky would of had to cover my mouth, but there is an officer standing next to him and there's kids around.

 I would have cussed Sawyer out to where Bucky would of had to cover my mouth, but there is an officer standing next to him and there's kids around

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What's up so as most of you saw I did put up a contest for the engagement ring. It will end by eight pm on August 20th  just to let you know if you want to enter. The winner will be announced in chapter thirty.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now