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I looked through the glass figurines at Cracker Barrel. "See anything you like Angel?" He asked. I sighed. "Come on let's go eat." After breakfast we went into the store and browsed.

I found a movie and got some jelly bellies. I know how much Bucky loves certain ones. Once home I set the bag onto his counter and put the movie in. He came into his house finding me watching the previews.

He picked me up and laid down with me on top of him. "Could you go get me the bag of candy on the counter?" He asked. I kissed him and got up to get the bag. I poured half the bag into a bowl and curled back up on the couch with him.

He got a black licorice jelly bean and ate it. "How can you eat those?" I asked him. "Because their delicious." I scrunched up my face. "Disgusting."

He kissed my cheek and pulled me closer. "I know you think they are." I gave him a cinnamon one and he ate it.

Most of them were gone by the time the movie was over with. He set the bowl on the coffee table and pulled me closer to his body. I could tell he was hardening just by his body movement.

He put his leg over me and put his hand near my area. "Remember when I told you every inch of you is mine?" I rolled over and he put both of his hands on my bottom.

"Yes I remember. Both of us went swimming that day." He kissed me as he pulled me closer. "I love it when your pressed against me." He kissed me again. "I love it when you hold me close to you." I told him.

I yawned and nestled my head in his neck. He put a hand on the back of my head and ran his fingers through my dirty blonde hair. I dozed off as he held me close.

I woke up on his bed

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I woke up on his bed. He was in his bathroom getting a shower with the bathroom door open. I got off the bed and went into the bathroom. He turned the shower off and grabbed a towel.

He had no clue I was in his bathroom. I watched as he stepped out to dry off. "I know your there Ali. I saw the empty bed." I wrapped my arms around his wet torso.

"Were you doing something you shouldn't of been?" I asked him. "Why would you think that?" He asked securing the towel. I traced the way to his hip.

"Your asking for it Angel." "I know I am Deer." He smirked and picked me up. He kissed me wanting to do more. I took the towel from his body leaving him nude.

"You really want it. Don't you?" He asked. "I do but I know not yet." He kissed me. "I know Angel. When we get married it will be our wedding night. I promise." He kissed me before carrying my over to his dresser.

He really doesn't want me to see what's south of his hips. He put on a pair of briefs and pulled them up. Then walked over to his closet. I got off his dressed and walked to him.

He fastened his jeans and put a shirt on. "I know you hate me dressing Angel." He put his hands on my hips. "But we've got to get over to the house for thanksgiving." I nodded and got a shower.

I got my undergarments on and jeans. Then walked out. He had breakfast ready and my shirt sitting on the bed. He ironed it for me because I didn't know how. "Next time I'm going to show you how to." He said coming into the bedroom as I put it on.

"Thank you Deer." "I like Buck more than that name." He said before kissing me. "I've got breakfast on the bar." I followed him to the bar and sat up on a stool.

He fixed me a plate and sat it in front of me. Then went back into the bedroom. I finished my breakfast and went to brush my teeth. He was shaving when I entered the bathroom.

A month ago he renovated and got a double vanity installed in his bathroom. I brushed my teeth and went to put my boots on. He followed cleanly shaven.

I put my hands on his face and kissed him. He knew I loved it when he freshly shaved his face. "Just for you Angel." He kissed me before pulling his boots on.

We both put our hoodies on and went over to Colt and Hedli's. We walked through the front door and were greeted by them. "Oh someone has to go and get grandpa Ray. Buck could you go and help Colt set up the twins' rooms really quick?" Hedli asked. He nodded and went up.

"I can go get him." "Could you? He'd love it if you would." "Sure." She smiled and told me where the place was. Then gave me Colt's truck keys.

I went to the nursing home and parked. Then got out and went in. "Ali the Angel. Coming to get me today?" Grandpa Ray asked as I walked through the door.

"Yup. Everyone else was busy so I volunteered as tribute." He laughed at my pun. I checked him out for the day and had to have him back by eight thirty.

"Ready to roll?" I asked him. "Born ready, girl." He told me as we left. "Dang it. That grandson of mine always has the highest vehicles." He said as he climbed in.

I put his wheelchair in the back and got in. He's gotta be my second favorite family member. Second to Bucky.

I pulled in and helped him inside. He sat in the living room while I helped Hedli fix lunch. The rest of the family showed up soon after.

After we ate I was sitting next to Joseph and Bucky. Bucky got up and stood in the middle of the room. "I know you all met her last year at thanksgiving then heard I was dating her at Christmas. Today I've got something to ask her.

"Ali could you please come here?" He asked me. I stood up and walked over to him. "You know I've loved you since we got to know each other. I had a feeling that I had to protect you." He told me softly.

"So with that being said I want to take the next step in our relationship." He got down on one knee and pulled out a box. I covered my mouth with both hands. "Ali Marie will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now