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No one knew about our talk and no one will. Tomorrow is my birthday and I found out that it's Buck's birthday too. I rode out to check cattle. Several cows came up to me. I pet them then went around counting cows.

When I was done I went up to the barn. I dismounted and went in with my horse. "Ali." I turned and saw Zach coming up. I continued to lead Dusty.

He became lazy and horny in the past week. Yesterday he wanted to let his 'manhood' out while we were stacking bales. I tied Dusty up and went into the office.

Zach started jogging. I hid in the office. "Hello Ali. How's your day?" Joseph asked. "Wishing I could be as far away from Zach as possible." I told him.

"Oh I was about to send him to get feed." "Oh and if your wanting your next job out in the pasture towards the back and take chains and horse harness. Knowing him he's going to need help."

I left the office and harnessed Dusty. Then went out to the back of the pasture. I found the ATV but not him. I got off my horse and led him over to it. I tied him up then heard grunting.

I walked towards the sound. Buck was trying to reach the pliers without letting the barbed wire cut him even more than it already has. I came into the small clearing.

He looked up. "Don't need any help." He told me. "Sure? Does look like it." I swatted down closer to his head. "I'm completely sure." I stood back up and 'accidentally' kicked the pliers closer.

"I didn't need any help!" He said as he freed himself. "Too bad. I'm here and your authority told me to." He looked at me weirdly. "Your father?" He rolled his eyes. "Your stubborn." He told me. "Like a mule?" "I thought like an a**."

I rolled my eyes. "So what needs to be done?" I asked. "Well I was looking for a tree to chop up for winter." He told me. I walked back over where the ATV was. "Pecan wood lasts longer and is hotter than any other wood."

"Your point?" He asked. "There's a dead pecan tree behind me." I could tell he was getting frustrated with me. "Another point and reason your father sent me out here was because Zach was on my last nerve." I added walking up to him.

"Then I guess we have something in common." For some reason I loved it when his voice got low. He came closer to me. "And he's been extremely lazy and I don't think I'm going to mention what else he's been doing around me."

"He's been lazy and what exactly was he doing?" He asked. "He's been trying to show off what he doesn't need to." I could tell Buck was now angry at his brother instead of me.

Next thing I knew he had his arms wrapped around me and his lips on mine. It felt so good. "Now what has Zach been up to when I'm not looking?" "Trying to show me his(pardon language again) dk." Dang it this guy can get any answer from me just like that.

His blue eyes looked cold. They turned dark after I said that. "I'll talk to him later. Tell me if it happens again." I nodded as he went over to the tree I motioned earlier.

My boss kissed me. He flat out kissed me and I kissed back. Wow.

Bucky's POV
I have no idea what came over me but her lips were soft. When she told me what my brother has been doing I felt something inside me saying I needed to protect her and keep her safe.

I went over to the tree and began cutting it down. She watched as I cut it from its roots. After it fell she hitched her horse to it and he hauled it away with her leading him.

They came back and began on another dead tree. "Want to help me with this one?" I asked. She hesitantly came over. "I show you what to do." I told her.

"Put your hands where mine are." She did as I told her to. I gently put mine on top of hers. "Ready?" I asked. She nodded. I guided the chainsaw along the tree as I cut a notch in it.

"Now for the tree to fall." I said setting the teeth along the edge of the notch inside the tree.

Ali's POV
He held my hands under his large ones as we finished cutting the tree down. Him being this close to me? Sign me up for any day. I could feel his muscles flex as he guided the chainsaw along.

Crap I'm falling more for him. Whiching I think is a good thing. Not that he's my boss, that's the bad part of it. But that he's actually showing me how to use the chainsaw.

We did another tree this time he let me have more control than last time. "That's it. Now underneath." He helped guide it while I cut.

The notch was knocked out and we continued. Once it fell he cut the limbs and branches off before I led Dusty to the clearing with the rest of the fallen trees.

"One more for today." This time he only talked me through it while standing close to me. He placed his hands on my elbows to show me where I needed to cut the notch. Once that was done he stood back to see if I could cut the tree down.

I backed up out of the way as it fell. "Your super close to cutting one down your self." He told me. He turn to the tree and cut the limbs and branches off. I blushed when he wasn't looking.

New Ranch Hand: book 2 of the triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now