Chapter 2: Drive-By.

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Chapter 2


I took the pain medication for my shoulder and groaned as I had to change the bandage.

"Need help?" Chanel asked, walking down the stairs and heating up some coffee.

I shook my head. "I got it, thanks."

"So... how exactly did you get shot?" She asked me.

I deep sighed. "I was being stupid, trying to steal a gun from somebody,and his partner shot me." I said.

She shook her head. "Please be careful, Jaden."

"I am careful." I said.

"No your not. Your very risky if you think about it."

"How am I risky?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "You do things that are dangerous, that's all."

"No I dont." I said sternly in disagreement.

"Im just saying." She said.

"And I'M just saying, it was an accident. Accidents happen." I growled.

"I'm just asking you to be more careful Jaden, damn. You don't have to get offensive with every shit I tell you."

"I"m not getting offensive."

"Why are you so damn stubborn." she snarled grabbing her coffee and walking upstairs.

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. I wasn't feeling it today. Everything seemed to irritate me, whether it be something huge or something as small as misplacing the remote.

I got a phone call and when I looked at the ID, it was my mom. I answered it and put it by my ear.


"Hey babe, how are you? I heard about you bein in the hospital. You okay?" she asked, concerned.

"Yea mom I'm cool. Promise. Just a shoulder wound." I said.

"Okay well.. Come by later for dinner, alright?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Bye honey."


I hung up the phone and plopped it on the couch.

I made my way upstairs, peeking into our bedroom. I seen Chanel laying on the bed, on her laptop.

I opened the door all the way and closed it behind me, sitting next to her on the bed.

"Hey.." I sighed.

"What." she rolled her eyes.

"You mad or somethin?" I asked, looking at her face.

"No." she groaned. "I can't even tell you something without you getting upset or overreacting."

"What are you talkin about bae, I don't overreact."

"Be in my shoes for like two seconds and you'll see what I'm talking about. I simply tell you to be more careful and that you do dangerous things and your quick to defend yourself. Like calm down."

I took a deep breather and closed my eyes.

"You say I do dangerous things and that's not even true. I'm a safe person."

"Yeah, okay." she chuckled. "What about back when we were teenagers and you told me that I didnt need to know the rest of your life story, huh? And that there's a lot to you I don't know. You never explained that shit to me."

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