Chapter 12: Gut Instinct

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Chapter 12


when I looked at the old room I used to have, it's like nothing changed. Everything was exactly where I left it before I went off to college. It's kinda crazy.

I set my bag down and sat on my bed letting out a deep sigh. I really messed up. Because of me, Jaden could possibly go to prison along with Chanel. But there's a high chance that they wont, because my name is written all over that attempted murder.

What really got me, is I had to sacrifice my friendship with Chanel over some stupid crime shit. I still can't believe I went along with my dad's plan.

I started unpacking my things and putting them in my drawers. I guess I'm going to be staying with my dad until this whole crime thing is done with. Let's hope I'm not behind bars when it is over.


I sat on the couch and stared off to space like I was doing ever since Jayda went Into the hospital. It's like no matter if I sleep, I still can't get my mind off her. I'm just so worried and all these negative thoughts are filling my head that she won't make it.

I heard Jaden walking down the stairs but my eyes were still glued to the wall.

"Baby.." he called.

I showed no movement.

He sat beside me and rubbed my back. "It's gonna be okay... Jayda is fine I promise." He said.

I couldn't help but start to bawl on his shoulder. "What if.."

"No what ifs. She's fine." he said.

I nodded and sucked up my tears. He's right. I'm overthinking everything. Jayda is perfectly fine and everything's going to be okay. Hopefully.

"Let me take you out tonight." he nudged my shoulder.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me." He smirked. "I wanna take you out. And show you a gooood timeee oh yeah, oh yeah." he started singing in his drake voice.

I couldn't help but giggle. "Why?" I asked.

"So you can stop whining over the face that Jayda is FINE. And cause we haven't gone on a date in years." he said.

I crossed my arms. "Where are we gonna go?"

"You'll see. Go get dressed."

"But I don't-"

"Go...get...dressed." he looked me in my eyes.

I nodded and stood up. "Okay."

I went upstairs and got into the shower, putting on a nice outfit that I found in my closet. I haven't looked this good ever since before I got pregnant. My stomach still had a little bump, but that'll go down in a few days.

I ended up throwing on a white tank top with a black and white plaid button up over it, skinny jeans, and my black heel boots. My hair was up in a bun and I walked downstairs when everything was put together.

"Im done." I said.

He looked over at me and grinned. "Haven't seen my baby look this good in a minute." he said, glancing at me up and down.

"Well I mean." I shrugged, smirking.

"Ready?" he asked.


"Let's go." he opened the door for me, and we were on our way to wherever he was planning on taking us.


I pulled up at the hospital and made sure I had everything prepared to go. I grabbed my bag and walked inside, going up to the front desk.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Hello," the lady smiled warmly. "How may I help you?"

"I came as a visitor to see Jayda Smith?"

"Oh! yeah we just need to make sure we have you on file.." she said looking through folders and shit.

I started tapping my fingers on the counter impatiently and she pulled out a file and opened it. She looked down at it and frowned, staring back up at me.

"May I see your ID sir?" she said.

"You see, I misplaced my wallet-"

"Sorry sir, you aren't allowed to visit unless we know who you are or if you are a family member of Jayda."

"I'm her uncle.." I said.

"If you let me see the ID, I can confirm that." she said.

I growled and looked both ways of the hospital, noticing it was half empty because it was late hours.

I pulled out my pistol slowly and aimed it at her. She gasped and raised her hands looking at the gun.

"Now.. I don't have no fucking ID. But I need to see Jayda. So your going to lead me to her room, so I can safely take her. got it?"

"S-sir she's on a med-"

"I don't give a fuck! I need that damn baby! you hear me?" I put my finger on the trigger, causing her to get more nervous.

"Lead me to the room." I said through clenched teeth.

She slowly nodded and lead me to the hospital room where Jayda was located. I kept the gun aimed at her head as she lead me down several hallways. Once we got to the room, she opened it and I saw the baby laying in a small bed, with wires hooked up to her chest.

"Please.." she begged. "She has a coughing disease and she HAS to stay on medicine for another week." she said.

I looked at her. "Unhook her from all that shit, so I can put her in the bag." he said.

"What?" she said.

"I Didn't stutter bitch!" I yelled, aiming the gun at her head.

She nodded quickly and started to unhook Jayda's wires.


"Really?" I giggled, as we pulled up to the movie theatre.

"I mean I thought of a classic movie and dinner date. Anything wrong with that?" he asked.

"No." I smiled. My smile shifted into a blank expression as I stared out of the window.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"My baby.." I said. "I miss her."

"Look, I brought you on this date to take your mind off of Jayda. She's going to be fine, okay? we'll check on her after our date alright?"

"Can we just stop by the hospital now I have a feel-"

"No, baby. AFTER the date." He grinned.

"Fine." I groaned.

But Jaden should've listened to Chanel. Because by the time they check on Jayda, she's going to be gone.

A/N: I know this is kind of short, but I wanted to get something up. The next chapter will be longer. Oh and I cried writing the last part of this chapter lol. It's so sad to me! 😭

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