Chapter 37: Boys

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Jayda(left) Jordan (top right) Ryan (bottom right)


Ryan looked at Anthony in a weird way.

"Did you hear what I said? Did you touch my sister or not!"

Ryan shrugged. "I told her she was pretty that was it."

"Don't lie little boy. She told me you touched her and made her feel weird. You want me to make you feel weird? Except I'm not gay so I'll make you cry instead."

Anthony pushed Ryan to the ground and it was a loud noise. Ryan started to cry and the teacher snapped her head in our direction.

"Hey! What's going on here! Who are you?" She pointed at Anthony.

"I'm Jayda's older brother. Your kid Ryan has been touching my sisters in ways she doesn't like. So I dealt with it." He explained.

"How old are you?" She frowned.

"11." He said.

"This is a kindergarten classroom. Ryan is only 6 and what you did was disrespectful. Get out of my classroom we are about to begin class."

I put my head down and sat in my seat looking back at Anthony. He shook his head.

"Look Mrs. Whatever your name is. I wasn't trying to be mean he touched my sister!-"

"Get out!" She snarled. "They are children they don't know better."

Anthony looked at her like she was weird.

"If you don't leave-"
Anthony left the room before she could say anything else.


That little white boy made me so angry. Jayda is like my baby sister so if you mess with her you mess with me.

I got back in Jaden's car.

"What took you so long?" He asked.

"I was helping her put her stuff away." I lied.

I wanted to tell him so bad but I promised Jayda I wouldn't and I don't want her to be mad at me.


I got a yellow card pulled for what just happened even though it wasn't my fault.

"Jayda I'm very disappointed in you." The teacher knelt down to me.


"You had your brother come in and push Ryan to the ground? That isn't nice Jayda expected more of-"

"Ryan touched me! My brother tried to tell you that and you won't listen! I didn't like when he touched me in that place so I told my brother I didn't tell him to come do that."

The teacher sighed. "What place did he touch you in Jayda?"

"Underneath my skirt when I bent down."

She nodded. "I'll talk to him he probably didn't mean to."

I looked away and rolled my eyes.

She got up and continued to teach the class.

Just then, I heard my daddy's voice. It was his mad voice.

"Where that little boy at?!"

My head snapped over and there he was with Anthony looking angry.

The teacher walked over to him. "Sir there has been a misunderstanding the boy didn't mean to do that."

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