Chapter 14: Funeral

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Chapter 14

Previously in decisions...

I rushed up to her, panting heavily and repeatedly tried to shake her awake.

"Chanel baby come on." I shook with tears blurring my vision.

"Don't leave me. I already lost my babygirl. I need you. please. " I cried.

She wouldn't budge. I felt on her neck for a pulse but there wasn't one.

"NOO!" I screamed, crying on her chest.

I called the paramedics and waited...waited for them to possibly bring my baby back.


I was sitting in a hospital room next to Chanel laying in the bed still asleep. They managed to take the drugs out of her system and clear her bloodstream.

Now she's just resting and she hasn't woken up yet which made me nervous.

I sat there almost all day and she finally started moving. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and the first thing she looked at was me. "Baby.." I sighed.

She didn't look so happy. She looked away and I scrunched my eyebrows together and stood up. "what's wrong?" I asked.

"This wasnt supposed to happen." She growled.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm still here!" She started to cry silently. "I didn't want to wake up anymore. I wanted to be gone for good."

"Why?" I asked. It felt like a little sharp pain just stabbbed me in my chest.

"If Jayda isn't here, why should I be?" She asked.

I knew where she was coming from, but I couldn't let her think like this. I won't let both of my babies leave me forever. It's not happening.

"You know what?" I growled. "She's not dead! because once you die, she'll come back and you will forever regret commiting suicide, you hear me? so go ahead and try to kill yourself. It ain't worth it I'm telling you." I said.

"You don't know if she's alive though!" she yelled. "What if they killed her or not feed her, then she'll die!"

"They wouldn't kill a baby Chanel, come on think. Whoever's doing this is is just probably holding her hostage to get what they want. And I will find her and KILL whoever has her. okay?" I said.

"Yeah.." she sighed.

Later on that day, we were discharged from the hospital. Ever since what happened, I've been keeping a close eye on her now. I don't want her to try to hurt herself anymore. It's not healthy.

Since it was only 4:00 in the morning, I was still kind of drowsy. When we got to the house, I laid on the couch and fell asleep instantly.

But when I woke up, me and Chanel were in for the worst news of our lives.

We were just eating breakfast and I decided to turn on the news.

"Police say they're still looking for the criminals who did this. Apparently, a house was involved in a shooting at the end of Denver street. Three adults, two teenagers, and one baby was killed in the shooting.

The little baby was only a few weeks old. Her name was Jayda Smith. We're not sure if the adults involved were her parents or not, but we're working on this case as best we can. Back to you, Rick."

My jaw was beyond dropped. I didn't have any words to say, or emotions to show. It's done.. it's over. Everything.


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