Chapter 3: Parted.

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Chapter 3


Two weeks later, I started to feel a little nauseous. I guess my pregnancy hormones were kicking in pretty quickly.

When I was on my way to work, I stopped by Starbucks to get me a morning coffee, because I needed something to wake me up. When I was walking out, somebody tapped my shoulder from behind and I turned around quickly.

I saw Diggy staring at me with a warming smile. "Hey.." he smiled.

I widened my eyes and at that moment, I just wanted to run out of the store. But I'm pretty sure he would think something was wrong and chase after me.

"H-hi." I stuttered.

"So you don't answer my calls or texts anymore, huh?" He asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as if I was confused.

"Don't play with me." he said all of a sudden getting serious.

"I don't know what your talking about, and I have to go." I said turning back around, but he grabbed my wrist.

"I'm going to be late for work." I groaned.

"You didn't answer my question." He said. "why have you been ignoring me?"

I looked away and back at him. "It's complicated."

He looked down at my stomach then back at my face. "I can tell." he squinted.

I started to feel a little uncomfortable so I eased out of his grip on my wrist and made my way out of the door. "goodbye, diggy." I said.


She just doesn't understand, does she?


When I arrived to work, I checked in and looked on the board for my list of patients for the day.

Half way through the day, I felt too nauseous to continue. During lunch break, I ran to the bathroom and threw everything up. "Ugh." I groaned holding my belly.

I threw up some more, and decided to check out for the day.

When I got home, I found Jaden sitting on the couch watching football. "Hey." I groaned.

"Hey.. home early?"

"Yeah. I felt too sick. I threw up my lunch."

"Oh.. it's that baby." he chuckled.

"Yeah.." I sighed, sitting next to him.

I felt that now was the right time to tell him about diggy, because I was getting nervous.

"Hey um... babe?" I asked.

"Wassup." He looked over at me.

"I kinda have something to tell you." I said.

"Well what is it?"

I took a deep breath and just let it out. "Diggys been bugging me for a while." I said mumbling and quickly.

"Wait, what?" he asked.

"Diggy? yeah he's been bothering me."

"What do you mean bothering you? I didn't even know he was still here."

"Well he is. I saw him a long time ago when I worked in that Filipino restaurant and ever since, he has been calling and sending text messages to me nonstop."

"Well why ain't you tell me?" he scrunched up his eyebrows.

I shrugged. "i was...scared."

"So all them times your phone would ring, it was diggy?"

"Yeah." I mumbled.

He let out a breath of frustration and stood up.

"Next time this shit happens, you IMMEDIATELY let me know, you hear me?" he said.


"Fuck man." he growled, running upstairs.

'Oh god..' I thought.

He came back downstairs minutes later, with a mean mug on his face, heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'll be back shortly." he said, opening the door and slamming it behind him.

And here we are...back to the old bullshit again.


I sat here in the house by myself for an hour. I was starting to get worried because I don't know where Jaden was, and he could possibly be getting himself in some deep trouble. I pulled out my phone and called him.




Finally, I heard loud rustling and banging in the background.

"Hello?" I called.

"Yeah." I heard Jadens voice.

"Babe, where you at? it's almost like 10:00."

"I'll be home later. Just chill."

"I can't chill! I told you about diggy and now you on the hunt to kill him! I can't chill, and at the same time be stressed that your out doing something that's gonna get you in trouble."

"Look, I'm fine. Alright? I ain't doin shit that's gonna get me in trouble. Now quit stressin before you have a miscarriage."

"I'm stressing because of you!"



"I'll be home in 10 minutes. I promise. Okay?"

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

And with that, he hung up.

Of course, I knew he wasn't going to come home anytime soon. He was just saying that so I could stop tripping. Well I still am. All I could do is sit and wait.


I got home from work and set my bag down on the couch, exhausted.

"Babe!" I called out to moises.

He came out from in the room, with his eyes red and droopy.

"Not again.." I sighed.

"Hey." He chuckled, stumbling towards me.

"Get away Moi!" I stepped back.

"Whats wrong baeeeee?" He held his arms out for a hug.

"You need to stop doing drugs Moises! its bad for you!" I yelled trying to push him off of me.

He slapped me in the face. "I do whatever the fuck I wanna do, bitch." He growled.

I held my face, shocked and started crying silently.

"Now take ya ass to bed before I get my belt!" He growled.

I looked at his eyes and couldn't see no love in it at all. The iris was pitch black and everything around it was red. Moises was turning into a monster.


I told one of my homies to call Diggy and tell him to meet us here because they had something of his. Little did he know that this was all a setup, and I was going to beat his ASS when he gets here. No guns. No knives. Nothing. Fists and fists only. I obviously brought my automatic just in case it gets a little too far and he's armed himself. We sat here and waited.. until a large truck pulled into the ally and stopped. Diggy got out with this mean mug on his face and when he spotted me, his face expression turned into a complete and different look. Confusion, fear, and anger.

"Where's my shit." He growled, walking closer.

I smiled and shook my head. "Diggy, diggy, diggy.... you were always a gullible little bitch, eh?" I asked.

He balled his fists and shook his head. "What are you talking about.."

"I planned all of this out, is what I'm talking about. Why the hell have you been bothering Chanel?"

"Bothering chanel?" He started laughing hard.

When he finally caught his breath, he wiped his tears and looked at me.

"Ahh, I'm not bothering ya girl, Jaden." He shrugged.

"Why she tell me you KEEP texting her and calling her? Leave her the fuck alone!" I growled.

"I wouldn't advise you to get smart, pretty boy." He said.

"Or what? Hm?" I walked closer to him, looking straight into his face.

He started breathing heavily and then chuckled. "Don't know what you got coming for ya.. damn shame." He shook his head.

"what are you talking about?"

"You see that baby that's in her stomach? watch it be DEAD-"

That was enough for me to pop him right in his jaw. So that's exactly what I did. He stumbled back and then attempted to punch me, but I dodged it and uppercutted him once, knocking him down. Once he was on the ground, I stomped him down repeatedly, and two of my dudes pulled me off. They held me back and I let him get back to his feet. He gave me a vicious look and ran straight towards me punching me straight in my left eye.

"Fuck." I growled.

I didn't let that stop me though. While I was holding my eye, he came at me again, this time punching me in my mouth. I shook it off and kicked him in his area, causing him to crouch down in pain. "Aghh." He growled, holding his pants.

"Yeah, bitch get up now!" I yelled.

And then, he pulled something out of his pants. His gun.

"Move a fucking muscle, and I'll shoot yo brains out!" he threatened, barely able to stand.

I put my hands up and nodded, going along with him. I slowly pulled the pistol out of my pants and aimed it at his forehead.

"Didn't think I'd come without one too, did ya?" I asked.

"Fuck..." He mumbled.

"Exactly. so you have two choices. Leave Chanel alone and stay alive, or I'll just kill you on the spot if you can't control yourself." I said.

He put his hands up in surrender. "Aright man, aright!" He said.

"Now put the fucking gun down.." I snarled.

He slowly set it down on the concrete, keeping his hands up.

"Good." I nodded.

"Aye, get me that." I told one of my backups and they grabbed his gun for me.

I shooed him off and he growled, limping back to his truck.

"And dont bring yo ass back here either, or you won't leave alive!" I yelled out.

He got in his truck and drove away.


Little did that bastard know, I was already two steps ahead of him.

"Got her?" I asked twist in the back.

"Got her." He nodded.

I turned around to see Chanel in the backseat bound by the arms and feet completely knocked out. "Good." I smiled, focusing on the road.

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