Chapter 4: A deformed baby?

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Chapter 4


Once I got to my crib, I carried Chanel inside and laid her unconscious body on the couch.

"Aright twist I think I got it from here." I said.

"Aright man. Peace."


He left and I put my hands on my hips, staring down at her.

Damn she was so...beautiful.

I took off the rope on her wrists and ankles.

I thought of my first plan to do with her.

Kill the baby.

I smiled and went into the kitchen, mixing liquids together, that would be harmful for the baby. I'm not sure if it would affect her, but I know for a fact that little fetus inside of her will be gone.


I angrily got into my car and started driving home. I hope chanel doesn't freak out when she sees all of these scratches and bruises on my face, because she's definitely the type to do that.

When I got to the house, I parked my car in the driveway, and sighed getting out and unlocking the front door. I opened it and noticed Chanel wasn't on the couch anymore. She probably just went upstairs to sleep.

"Chanel!" I yelled. "I'm back!"

Usually, she would come running down the stairs. Not this time.

"Babe, I'm sorry!" I said, going up the stairs.

"I did what I had to do-" I opened her bedroom door and she wasn't in there.

I gave off a confused look and went inside the bathroom. "chanel?"


I checked every room inside of the house and not one of them had her
In it.

I called her cell phone and after two rings, I heard her ringtone ring downstairs. I ran downstairs and saw her cell phone laying on the coffee table.

"What the hell?"

I'm guessing she left to get some fresh air, but she wouldn't leave to go anywhere without her phone. She'd never do that.

I scrunched my face up trying to think my hardest on where she'd possibly go, but nothing popped up. The only thing I could think of is that she got kidnapped.


I slowly opened my eyes and I felt more drowsy and nauseous then ever.

"Ugh.." I sat up and looked around and noticed I wasn't at home anywhere.

"Where am I? and wh-where's jaden?" I asked silently.

"It's okay baby, don't be scared." I heard a voice that made me cringe.

Just then, Diggy walked out of the kitchen looking at me.

"You awake, that's good." he sat next to me.

I scooted over.

"Why you scared?" he laughed. "I'm not going to hurt you. "

"Then why am I here!" I yelled.

"Because I need to talk to you about-"

"Wait what happened to your face? did Jaden do that?" I gasped.

"Yes." he growled.

"Oh my..."

"Now you see how much of a monster he really is? He can't control shit that he does! I didn't even do anything and one punch straight to my jaw."

"That doesn't mean anything." I crossed my arms.

"You sure? Does he stress you out a lot?"

I looked away. "I don't have to tell you anything."

"Well don't." He shrugged. "You'll see for yourself."

"So are you...hungry? Or thirsty?" he asked.

"No. I don't want anything you give me anyway."

"But you seem dehydrated." he smiled. "Have some water." he grabbed a cup off the table and handed it to me.

"I am not drinking that." I snarled. "It could be poison."

He laughed. "Why would I poison you? I wouldn't hurt you, baby."

"Ugh, whatever."

"Drink some."

"No." I refused.

I could see in his facial expression that he was getting angry, but trying not to show it.

"Drink it!" he suddenly yelled.

"Why do you want me to drink it so bad! it must be harmful if it's like that." I snarled.

He slammed the cup down and grabbed my neck tightly. I looked up at him as he gave me this sinister look.

"" I managed to choke out.

"I wouldnt." he smiled. He then got closer to my ear and began to whisper. "But when people don't listen, they get PUNISHED." he said as he squeezed my neck harder.

I felt like I was going to pass out. "now are you going to drink it?" he whispered.

I quickly nodded and he let go. "Now here you go." he gave it to me.

I took the cup and smelled it. This definitely was NOT water. I closed my eyes and gulped it all down, placing the cup back on the table.

"Good girl." he smiled.

My stomach immediately started cramping up. "Where's the...bathroom?" I asked.

"Upstairs left." He pointed.

I ran upstairs as fast I could and went into the bathroom, trying to force myself to throw up.

"Come on come on." I panted, tears on the verge of my eyes.

I reached my hand back inside my throat and I felt it coming back up.

I took my hand out and threw it all up inside the toilet.

"Bluaaagh." I vomited.

I spit and sighed, flushing the toilet.

He thinks I'm that stupid? I know he was trying to hurt my baby.

I washed my hands and my mouth and left the bathroom. I walked downstairs with a smile on my face.

"You good?" he asked, smirking.

"Yeah..just had to pee. y'know, pregnancy problems." I smiled sitting on the sofa.

"Okay then." he nodded.

" long are you supposed to keep me here for?" I growled.

"Well I mean..." he licked his lips giving off this seductive look.

"We could.." he leaned closer to my face.

Sudddenly, I slapped his face hard and stood up.

He growled and stood up as well walking closer to me. I backed up and he backed me up all the way to the wall.

"Why...would you do that.." he whispered in his sinister tone.

"You tried to kiss!-"

I got cut off when he grabbed my neck.

"Shut the fuck up!" he yelled, startling me.

He squeezed my neck and gave me an evil look. "you do what I tell you to do. Understand?"

I just stood there not giving him an answer.

"Understand?!" he yelled.


"Oh so now you wanna be silent?"

He squeezed my neck even harder causing me to feel lightheaded. I kicked him in his zipper area and he widened his eyes and let go of me, crouching down.

I caught my breath and ran to the kitchen, rushing through the drawers and looking for a knife of some sort.

I looked over at him and noticed he was getting up and limping over here.

"NO no no.." I panted.

I grabbed a butcher knife and held it up.

"DONT come any closer." I growled.

He put his hands up and stopped where he was. "What are you gonna do with that?" He laughed.

"Just stay the fuck away!" I screamed.

"Aright, aright." He sighed.

"Now I want you to take me..home." I said sternly.

"Take you home?" he chuckled. "Your better off here anyway."

"No! I wanna go home!"

"Put the knife down.." he said calmly.

I shook my head. "your gonna try something."

"I promise I wont." he kept his hands up. "But I can't take you home unless you put the fucking knife down!"

I slowly placed the knife on the dresser and he nodded walking over and picking it up.


All of a sudden, the door got busted down and three police officers held him down.

"Daniel Simmons, you are under arrest for holding hostage of Chanel Smith, and possession of a firearm! Anything you say can and will be used against you in court!" he yelled.

I just stood there, shocked, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Shit." diggy mumbled.

They took him up and handcuffed him, walking him out. "Just know that your baby is dead, Chanel!" he yelled.

Just then, Jaden walked through the door.

I ran into his arms, crying harder then I ever did. "Babe how-"


I sniffed and looked up at him. "we need to go to the hospital." I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Diggy tried to poison our baby and I drank the liquid, but I threw some of it up! some of it could still be in my system, killing our baby." I cried.

"Come on." He rushed. We hurriedly got In the car and he speed drove us to the hospital.

When we got there, I told them what was going on.


Now we're in the room waiting on the results. "babe, I'm scared." I cried. "What if she says the baby is dea-"

"The baby isn't dead chanel. Don't say that." he said.

I nodded and sniffed, watching the door unlock to reveal the doctor. The look on her face determined it all. She seemed sad.

"Guys.. you are very, very lucky." she smiled.

"It's alive?" I asked.

"Yes. Your little baby GIRL is alive." she smiled.

"Oh..oh's a girl?!"


I looked over at Jaden and he grinned. "we're having a girl!" I laughed.

"But there is bad news." she said.

My face went blank. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"The poison still went into some of the baby's genes and affected it. Luckily, you threw most of it up but the residue is affecting the baby as it grows."

I opened my mouth in shock and covered my eyes.

"So.. what does that mean?" Jaden asked.

"When your baby is born, it will have some type of deformation. We won't know what it is for sure, until birth. But that's all we could detect. I'm sorry."

I let all of my tears out and cried on Jadens shoulder.

"It's okay.. at least she's alive!" Jaden rubbed my back.

"But she won't be *sniffs* normal." I cried.

"Yes she will." he said.

"I'm so very sorry guys." the doctor said.

"Thank you." Jaden said.

She nodded and left the room, leaving me here with Jaden.

"I can't believe this..." I sighed, wiping my tears.

He looked me in my eyes. "I don't care what deformation our baby girl will least she's going to be alive and healthy. Alright?"

"But what if...shes born without an arm or something!" I cried.

He shrugged. "I doubt that'll happen but she'll always he beautiful in my eyes, no matter what. Just like you." he said.

I smiled and nodded, "okay.." I sighed.

"At least Diggy's In jail. Now let's get out of here."

We checked out and I got into the car without a spoken word. I just looked out of the window while he drived.

"Babe, you okay? you haven't said a thing for the whole car ride." Jaden said.

I shrugged.

"I never got to ask you but.. why is your face so bruised up?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head. "Nothing."

I already knew, I just wanted to see if he would lie to me.

"Nothing? oh okay." I said with an attitude.

"Chill. It ain't nothing serious."

"Oh so Diggy kidnapping me isn't anything serious?! If you hadn't left the damn house he wouldn't have gotten the oppurtunity to get me! but you allowed that to happen because you don't fucking think before you act!" I yelled.

He exhaled deeply and gripped the steering wheel harder.

"It's half your damn fault our baby might he deformed." I snarled.

"My fault?! WHO DRUNK THE DAMN POISON!" he yelled.

I just sat back and crossed my arms.

"I didn't...mean it like that.." he sighed.

I just looked out the window and wiped the tear that fell from my eye.

Once we got home, I hurriedly got out of the car and angrily slammed the door, rushing to open the house door with my keys. When it opened, I ran upstairs quickly and slammed our bedroom door shut, and locked it.

I sat on the bed and could do nothing but cry. I put my head in my hands and cried. Cried and thought about everything. I meant EVERYTHING. From meeting Jaden, to now.


I walked in the house and sighed, sitting down on the couch. I wasn't even going to go upstairs to check on her because I knew she was angry. I'll just let her fume off for a bit.

I decided that I was going I cook dinner for her. I got all of the ingredients together. The rice, curry powder, and other seasonings. I had the chicken wings boiling in the
pot. I put all of the seasonings in the pot with the chicken and let that sit.

About 30 minutes later, everything was finished.

I took out some of the curry chicken and rice in her favorite bowl. Then I got a separate mini plate and cut a slice of cranberry sauce, placing it on the plate.

I poured some black wine in a nice cup and set that down on the table with the food.

I placed a napkin next to everything making it complete. I jogged upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door.

"Baby...." I called.

"Go away.." she said. She sounded as if she was crying.

I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Babe, open the door. Please." I said.

"No, go away Jaden.." she said.

"I made dinner for you. So..whenever your ready, it's on the table downstairs." I said.

"Yeah, whatever." She said, sniffing afterwards.

I knew she wasn't going to up and forgive me easily this time.

I just walked downstairs and ate my dinner, washing the dishes afterwards. I put her food in the microwave so it wouldn't get cold.

I laid down on the couch and watched basketball for a good half hour. After that, I was sick of it. I couldn't stand it anymore so I grabbed a spare key that we kept and walked upstairs, unlocking the door. I opened it and saw she was laying down on the bed with the pillow over her face.

I sighed and laid next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist.

She took it off and got up, going inside of the bathroom.

"Man.." I sat up.

When she got out, I immediately got In front of her.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"There ain't nothin to talk about." she tried to push me away but I grabbed her wrists.

"I made you dinner." I said.

"Thanks. Can I go eat it?" she rolled her eyes, shoving past me to go downstairs.

I shook my head and followed her out, walking downstairs. She was already around the table smashing the food.

"So it's good huh?" I smiled.

"Yeah.." she sighed. "Its...amazing."

"Annnddd I poured some black wine just for you." I smiled.

She shook her head. "Thanks Jaden. I don't completely forgive you yet, but it's a start."

2 days later, it was the same. She was still angry at me. For what? I don't know. Every time id try to lay down next to her, she'd either scoot on the other side of the bed, or sleep on the couch. It's like she doesn't want me anywhere near her.


My phone started ringing and I picked it up and saw it was Marissa. I answered it and heard her panting as if she was running.

Chanel: "hello? mary?"

Marissa: "chanel! please come get me!" (crying)

Chanel: "why? what's wrong?"

Marissa: "Moises h-hit me."

Chanel: "huh?!"

Marissa: "please Chanel I have nowhere to go and I CANT go back there because he's already angry."

Chanel: "where are you? I'm on my way."

Marissa: "Over here by the church we used to go to. I'm sitting outside."

Chanel: "okay don't go anywhere. I'm coming, okay?"

Marissa: "please hurry."

Chanel: "I am."

I hung up and grabbed my keys.

"Where you going?" Jaden asked.

"Marissa needs me Jaden. I don't have time to talk."

"At least tell me what's wrong with her."

"Moises hit her!"

I didn't have time to further explain anything else. I just ran out the door and got into my car, driving towards the church.

It's like everything in life was crumbling down.

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