Chapter 7: Beat-down [part 2]

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Chapter 7


When we got to the hospital, I rushed her in and checked her in up front. They immediately got a room for her and she put on her hospital gown.

At this point, she was laying on the bed just staring up at the ceiling, and we were waiting until she was close to 10 centimeters dilated.

"What are you thinking about baby?" I asked her.

She took a deep breath and looked at me with a smile. "Our baby is coming..thats a shocker." she said, wiping a tear.

"I know.. I didn't even have time to call everybody." I said.

"Call them!" she said.

I got out my phone, calling everybody down here.


All I heard was shuffling and the next thing you know, the door shut. Did they really just leave me here by myself? I didn't even know what was going on. I walked downstairs and yep, they were gone.

Just then, I heard a loud knock on the door.

"Their back already?" I asked myself.

I went to open the door quickly and I saw....him.

"So you ARE staying here?" he growled.

"Moises please..." I pleaded, on the verge of tears.

"You disrespected me, Marissa! All I was trying to do was love you, and make sure you were okay, and you just up and leave me?!"

"I had a reason, dammit!" I yelled. "You continue to hit me and put your hands on me and I wasn't going to put up with that shit anymore!"

"Don't raise your voice at me." he growled.

I could see that his eyes weren't nearly as red as they are when he's high, but I could tell that he smoked a little before coming over.

"Leave." I snarled.

"Or what?" he smirked.

"Or I'll call the poli-"

I was cut off when I felt a stinging sensation to the side of my face. Next thing you know, I was on the ground crying.

He knelt down to my level and looked at me.

"You are NOT going to call the damn police, do you understand me? You are going to get all your shit and leave with me NOW, or I will beat you until your fucking unconscious."

"Wh-why do you do this to me?" I cried. "What did I ever do t-to you.."

"Because I hate it when people disrespect me and don't listen to what I say! Now get your damn shit and come on!"

But this, was going to be the end of it.

I nodded and ran upstairs, going into Chanel's room. I looked all around for a gun, weapon, something! I continued to search and search and then I found this hidden drawer with all of Jaden's pistols.

"Yess." I smiled to myself.

I grabbed one and walked downstairs, seeing Moises look up at me in confusion.

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked, staring at the gun.

"Shut up." I growled. "Now!" I said aiming the gun at his face, and taking it off of safety.

He sighed and nodded, putting his hands up.

"Marissa, put the gun...down. Because when I get a hold of it, you will not leave alive." he snarled.

I shot him one time in his foot and he wailed out in pain.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"Fuck you!" he screamed, holding his foot.

"Stand up." I growled.

He slowly stood up and looked at me with a tiredsome expression.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered to myself.

I shot him in his stomach two times and he fell down to his knees, and then flat on his face.

I dropped the gun and backed up, horrified. What did I just do?

I ran over to him with tears streaming out of my eyes.

I turned him over and his eyes were creaked open.

"Moises.." I cried. "I-I'm sorry. I had to."

He coughed up some blood and nodded.

"I love you..Marissa." he said in a raspy, inaudible tone, with his eyes shut.

I couldn't bear to look at him any longer. I grabbed my phone and called 911 immediately.

"Help! help! Somebody's been shot! I'm on 31 Holt avenue, please hurry!" I yelled. I then hung up and rushed to put my shoes on, and ran out the house.


Everybody was up here now, and Chanel was going crazy. It was only me and her in the room though. Everybody else was in the waiting room.

She was having crazy contractions and she was arching her back and crying in pain.

"Babe, do you want an epidural now?" I asked, trying to calm her down.

"Y-yeah." she nodded.

I went and got the doctor and told her she was ready. After he got the big, long, epidural needle, I started to cringe at the sight because it looked so painful.

Once she got the epidural, she sat back and relaxed. "Feeling better?" I asked.

"A lot." She nodded.

5 Hours later...

"Aaaahhh..." Chanel yelled out in pain.

"Come on Chanel, you've got this. Three more big pushes I see her hair!"

I was holding her leg and one of her hands and let me tell you, when all of this is over, I'm going to need a cast. She is squeezing all of the oxygen out of my hand.

She pushed and held it for ten seconds, and then sat back, breathing heavily.

"Come on, baby." I kissed her forehead.


This was more painful then I thought..

I lifted my head once more and pushed for the life of me. About five seconds later, I heard my little baby girl's cries.

"Waaaahhhh.." She cried out loudly.

"She's here!" The doctor exclaimed.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Oh my god.." I smiled with tears falling down my face.

They cleaned her up with the blanket and then Jaden cut her cord, causing her to cry some more.

Afterwards, they set her on my chest and I held her, glancing at her face for the first time. Let's just say.. she looks exactly like Jaden.

"Hi baby!" I sniffed.

I looked up at Jaden and noticed he was crying as well.

"She looks just like you.." I smiled looking up at Jaden.

"That's daddy's girl." He chuckled. He held his arm out for her and I carefully set her in his arms and she started to whine again.

"Ahh, come on.." Jaden said. "Don't cry for me."

She suddenly stopped, as Jaden rocked her.

I looked all over herA and frowned, confused. "She doesn't have a..deformation?" I said.

The doctor looked closer at her and then nodded, showing me her hand. "Yes she does. But your very lucky that it isn't serious. It's just a simple blood vessel deformation that causes her hand to be red and blotchy like this. It's called hemangioma." The doctor explained.

"Oh.." I nodded. "Will she have that forever?"

"No. By the age of 6, her hand should be normal."

"Okay." I smiled.

Thank God..

"What are you going to name her?" A nurse asked, holding a pen and clipboard in her hand.

I looked up at Jaden and looked back at the nurse.

"Jayda Alayah Smith." I smiled.

"pretty." she said, writing it down.

The doctor came back in, wiping her hands. "Okay time to breastfeed."

Jaden handed me Jayda back and I held her, taking out my breast. She immediately latched onto it and started sucking.

"Damn." I laughed.

"You've got one hungry baby." she laughed.

When the doctor left, I shot my face up in worry, suddenly thinking about something.

"Babe!" I called.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Marissa! we forgot about her!" my mouth dropped open.


He took out his phone and called her number.

"Hello? Marissa?...Yeah where are you?... Okay I'm on my way, I'm at the hospital with Chanel. yeah the baby's born already. Okay just don't go anywhere. yeah, bye." he hung up the phone and looked at me.

"Moises went over there." he said, getting up.

"Seriously?! is she okay? where is she?"

"I don't know she said she's at some park, but she didn't tell me what happened."

"Well just go pick her up. And tell them that are still in the waiting room that they can come in now."


He left and I looked down, noticing Jayda fell asleep. "Aww.." I smiled.

I fixed my clothing and then next thing you know, the door flew open, and everybody walked through with grins on their faces.

One person that I was in real shock to see here, was my dad.

"Dad!" I yelled.

"Hey!" he smiled.

"How did-?"

"I just flew in yesterday to come visit you, but then Jaden called me and told me you went into labor, so I guess I came on time." he smiled, giving me a hug.

"She's beautiful." He said. "Thanks." I smiled.

Jayla, Jordan, Jaden's parents, Willow, my mom, and.....Carson, was here as well.

They had balloons and plenty of stuffed animals for me. My dad sat down in the chair next to me and my mom walked up to me with a warming smile.

"Hi.." she said.

"Hey..." I said lowly, staring down at Jayda.

"Can I see her?" she asked.

I looked up at her then back down at my baby, carefully putting her in her arms. She stayed silent, because I guess she was still in a deep sleep.

"Aww.." my mom said, with a small tear drop falling.

"CHANEEELL!" Jayla shouted.

"Oh my gosh." I laughed. "Hey girl."

"You had a baby! Dang! did it hurt?"

"Yes!" I said.

"Dimples gave birth. Unbelievable." Jordan shook his head.

I looked at him and smiled. "Long time, no see." I said.

He walked up to me and gave me a hug, followed with a kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you." he said. "You grew up on me."

My mom handed me Jayda back and I looked at Carson in the corner, just tapping his feet and keeping to himself.

"Carson?" I asked. "You don't wanna see my daughter?"

I mean even though if it was the old me, I wouldn't let him anywhere near her, but I changed. And I managed to let the past go somehow.

"You...want me to?" he asked.

"If you want." I smiled.

He grinned and walked over to me, staring down at her. "She looks like you.. but more like her dad." he said.

"I know." I laughed.

I gave her to him and he smiled, rocking her back and forth.

"I have a niece." he smiled.

"What's her full name?" willow asked.

"Jayda Alayah smith." I said.

"Awww..." everybody cheered.

I just laughed.

The door opened, and Jaden walked through, with Marissa.

"Mary!" I chanted.

"Hey.." She said softly. "Oh my gosh! that's your daughter?" she asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Carson handed her back to me and Jaden gave him a long, menacing glare. He kept his stare on him for a minute, and then broke it when Jayda started whining.

"Aww don't cry baby." I said, trying to rock her back to sleep.

Mary walked over to me and whispered something in my ear.

"Can you tell everybody to get out for a second, because I need to tell you something REALLY important." she whispered.

I nodded. "Can everybody go to the waiting room for like a quick second."
I said.

Everybody started leaving out, and it was just me, Jaden, and Marissa left in the room.

"Okay what's going on?" I asked.

She took a deep breath. "I...shot Moises." she said.

I gasped in shock and widened my eyes. "You can't be serious right?" I asked.

"Dead ass. He knocked on the door and I thought it was you guys! because I had no clue on where y'all went. So when I opened the door it was him, and I got scared because he slapped me, telling me to grab my stuff and leave with him immediately. So I went into Jadens weapon drawer and grabbed a gun, shooting him three times." she said, crying.

"Wait, you went into my shit?!" Jaden asked.

Yes! I didn't know what to do!" she said wiping her face. "I was terrified. I'm sorry."

"Did you get help?" I asked.

"Yeah. I called the paramedics and then ran out. I don't know if he's here or not."

"Jaden go up to the front desk and ask for Moises." I said.

"No!" Marissa said. "If he's here, then he'll KILL me when he gets released. I can't let that happen." she sniffed.

"How will we know then?! Listen, if Moises loved you as much as you said he does, then he won't kill you. Maybe that was a wake up call to him and he'll start behaving his ass."

She sighed. "Okay. "

A doctor walked through the door with a baby bed, and looked up at me.

"We're going to give Jayda a bath, and then get you cleaned up honey. You'll be able to leave tomorrow." she said.

"Okay." I said.

She took Jayda out of my hands, and put her in the bed. Jay cried loudly, and I watched as she wheeled her out of the room.


I left the room and went up to the front desk of the hospital.

"Excuse me ma'am?" I said.

"Yep." She looked up from her computer.

"Do you know if a man named Moises Arias was admitted her anytime soon?" I asked.

"Umm.. Yes. actually. Just last night." she smiled. "Are you a visitor?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Well his room is D13." she said.

"Thank you." I walked down the hallway looking for that number.

I opened the door slightly and seen Moises sitting up in his bed, changing the television channel. He had padding and a bandage around his stomach area, and his foot had a cast.

"Moi?" I called out.

He turned his head to me and looked a bit shocked that I was here.

"What are you doing here?" he frowned.

"Well Chanel had our baby a couple hours ago and I heard about what happened to you."

"Where's marissa?" he asked.

"In Chanel's room." I said.

"I need to talk to her."

"She's scared of you, man." I sighed.

"Why?" he asked. "I won't hurt her."

"Based off of what you've been doing, that's all that she thinks is going to happen." I say.

"Can you tell her to come here? please." he said.

I could see in his eyes that he was really sorry for what he did. I nodded and went back to Chanel's room, telling Marissa was happened.

"I'm not going in there!" she growled. "I'm done with him!"

"Marissa he needs you right now. He's fucked up."

"Yeah well he got himself like that." she crossed her arms.

"Come on mary." Chanel pleaded. "Do it for Jayda." she smiled.

Mary whined. "Ugh, fine. I'll be back." She pushed past my shoulder and left the room.


I opened Moises' door and shut it behind me, watching him glance over at me. I couldn't quite tell his emotion, because he held a blank look on his face.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm good. A little pain here and there but it's nothing I can't handle."

"That's good." I said, looking down.

"They asked me who did this to me, but I didn't tell them anything." he said.

I looked up at him. "Thanks." I said lowly.

"We need to talk." He said.

"About what?"

"The way I've been treating you. Look I'm sorry that I abused you and beat you. As a man, that's something that I should be ashamed of myself for. I love you Marissa, I really do. If there's anything I could do to make you come back, I'll do it. No doubt." he said, looking into my eyes.

The emotion was finally showing through his face and he looked hurt and depressed.

"Stop doing drugs." I simply said.

"What?" he asked, a little taken back.

"Stop getting high, Moises! that's the main reason you act why you do. Because your high!"

"Marissa you don't understand, it calms me down." he sighs.

"That's what I'm here for! I'm supposed to be the one to calm you down and talk you through your problems. Not weed."

"That's not easy for me to get rid of." he said, looking away.

"It's simple Moises." I said, standing up. "It's either me, or your drug. Choose wisely." And on that note, I left the room and left him there to think.

I'm most definitely not going to stay with a man who gets high and then treats me like a fucking dog. He either gets clean, or I'll leave.


They finally brought my babygirl back to me. She was dressed In a pink onesie with white stripes and a matching hat. She had a white blanket wrapped around her.


Marissa had already left to get herself together along with everyone else. It was just Jaden here and he was sitting across the room on a bench knocked out. I guess this whole baby thing made him really tired.


Jaden slipped Jayda in her car seat and I got dressed and ready to leave the hospital.

When we got home, it was a complete mess. It looked like it had been searched completely.

"Jaden what's....what the fuck happened?!" I asked.

"I don't know..." he said, just as stunned as I was.

He set Jayda down and I shook my head, taking her out of the car seat and taking her upstairs, laying her down into her crib.

"Chanel!" Jaden yelled from our room.

"Yeah!" I yelled back.

"Come here!"

I walked to our bedroom and looked at him. "What's wrong?"

"The pistol Marissa took is gone! and she couldn't have kept it! do you know what that means?"

"Um.. no?"

"It means she dropped it on the fucking floor after she shot Moises and the Feds got it! my fingerprint is on that shit chanel!"

I finally caught on to what he was talking about and my mouth creaked open in shock. "So what...does that mean?" I asked.

"Me And Marissa could go to jail if they find out that our fingerprints are on it! AND it's unlicensed... oh my.."

He sat on the bed and covered his face in shame. Then he suddenly looked up at me in anger.

"I told you not to keep that bitch in our house! Look what she did! I could go to jail for a number of years and miss out on Ty the most important parts of my daughter's life!"

I sat next to him and tried to calm him down as best as I could.

"Look Jaden.. You are NOT going to jail and you definitely aren't going to miss out on Jayda's life. I can promise you that. I know It was a big mistake to let Marissa stay over here but I didn't know it would be like this!" I said.

He shook his head. "They're going to ASSUME that I shot Moises because of my fucking criminal record. If they find those fingerprints and those two names pop up, It's over for me. I'll be charged with one count of attempted murder and one count of possession of a firearm. That's at least 11 years." he said.

I looked down. One thing that Jaden was, was intelligent. And he knew what would happen before it even did.

"But they won't know you killed him.." I said. "How would Marissa's
fingerprints be on it if she didn't do it? and PLUS Moises is her boyfriend? yeah I don't think they'll immediately think it's you." I said.

"Well you maybe right on that part, but it's MY weapon. I can still go to jail for that."

I sighed. There wasn't really a way out of this.

"I need a lawyer, Chanel." Jaden said.

I looked at him and nodded.

Would he really go to jail for a crime he didn't do?

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