Chapter Three

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Your POV

I slowly made my way towards the hall. 'I wonder what the new cadets are like... Hopefully they won't be a pain in the ass like the last group was....' I thought sighing.

"Hey (y/n) wait up!" Levi called out.

"Oh hey Levi..." I said stopping in my tracks to kiss him in the lips. We both smiled at each other.

"What do you think about the new cadets?" I asked him as we both walked together hand in hand.

"What do you mean? I think they're just the same as the other group... Oh wait you didn't like last group that came here..." Levi replied.

"Hopefully they would be more 'respectful' not like the other group last time.." I said with hope.

(anyone thinking of j-hope from bts?😂 'I'm your hope! I'm j-hope!.' Ok his Introduction is just too cute 😂 haha never mind back to the story.)

Levi only chuckled as a response and both walked in silence. 'I can't believe it's already been a month since we got married...' I thought smiling.

"(Y/n)!" I heard Erwin called.

"Oh Erwin!" I said as we approached him.

"Where is Hanji and Mike?" I asked.

"There in the hall already... Let's go love birds?" Erwin teased. We only looked at him and rolled are eyes playfully.

"Oh wait I forgot my speech paper... I'll go get it quickly.." I said getting ready to leave.

"I'll come with you.." Levi said holding my hand to stop me.

"No need I'll be really fast.." I said smiling at him. He only nodded.

I run as fast as I can to my office when I notice a girl in the field crying. She had black midnight short hair that goes up to her shoulders, and slightly tanned skin.

I approached her only to see  three boys In front of her. My eyes widen and felt I myself shaking in anger. I approached them angrily.


They looked at me shocked. I saw them run away as fast as they can. I quickly walked up to the girl.

"Are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Y-yes..." She manage to say. She looked at me with her brown eyes. Her cheeks from a visible blush and her pink lips were now bleeding.

"Come with me I'll take to the clinic.." I said helping her up.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"J-Julia... My name is Julia.." She said.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now