Chapter Twenty Five

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You're POV

I stood there blankly at the wall. 'I can't do work so I'm stuck here alone in the bedroom' I thought sulking. I've recovered from the small incident that happened a few days ago. The small bump was now visible.

I smiled as I stroked my tummy as if calming the little human inside. It's weird to say it and hard to believe that I'll be a mother, and finally I'm starting my own little family. I snap out of my thoughts as a knock on the door startled me.

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"(Y/n)?" Levi said opening the door greeting me with a little smile.

"You need anything?" I asked standing up.

"No no you have to sit and lay down..." He said quickly rushing beside me and pushing me carefully down the bed and tucking me in. He sat at the edge of the bed beside me and looked at me lovingly.

"This is honestly really boring Levi..." I said sighing.

"I know so that's why I will accompany you today.." He said smiling sweetly. I smiled back and stood up giving him a quick peck on the lips before laying down again. He looked at shocked from a moment and laughed.



"What kind of gender do you want the baby to have?"

"Hmm... a girl?" He said smiling.

"Me too. I also wanted a boy who can carry on you're surname." I said giggling.

"Whatever turns out to be the babies gender, I'm just happy that we're finally starting our own family." He said grinning at me.

"Me too." I said grinning back kissing him fully on the lips.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now