Chapter Twenty

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You're POV

Once I was out of sight I leaned to the wall and clutched my stomach. 'Why does it hurt?!' I thought groaning.

"(Y/n)" Hanji asked.

"H-Hanji..." I said weakly and stood up regaining my posture.

"What happened?!" She said hurriedly came beside me to help.

"Oh nothing just a little dizzy.." I said faking my laughter.

"Dizzy? I literally saw clutching you're stomach.." she said worriedly.

"I'm just hungry..." I said.

"Well then go and eat!" She acclaimed.

"I will." I said faking a laugh.

"If you need anything I'll be at Erwin's office.." she said worriedly.

"Ok I will." I replied walking to the mess hall.

~Time skip brought to you by coconut head and Mikasa Sukasa~


"Mikasa sukasa? Where did you get that?" -Mikasa

I slumped down to my chair after doing some paper work. I put my hands to my stomach and felt the little bump. I smiled but also worried about what happened earlier. I shook my head trying to forget about it.

I stood up and closed the door heading towards Levi's office and knocked.

"State you're name and business!" He said.

"(Y/n) and little Levi." I giggled.

"Little Levi?" I heard him whisper confusingly.

I opened the door and came in smiling.

"Yeah little Levi... it's the nickname for the baby." I laughed.

"But we don't know the gender of the baby yet.." Levi smiled.

"I know but it's a cute nickname.." I smiled. Levi only smiled and went back to doing his paper work.

"Do you wanna go for dinner?" I asked smiling but stopped when I felt the pain again.

"Hmm... sure let's go.." Levi said standing up. I faked a smile and headed towards the door.

"But (y-n)." He said suddenly.


"Why are you bleeding so much?"

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now