Chapter Nine

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Your POV

I held tightly onto hanji's hand nervously... I already took the tests for pregnancy and here I am waiting for the results. I felt my stomach do backflips. My emotions were all over the place.

"Mrs. Ackerman..." The nurse called. Me and hanji looked at each other and both stood up to meet the doctor.

Hanji opened the door revealing the doctor smiling. He mentioned us to seat down. Once we did I looked at him nervously.

"Doc... what's the result?" I asked.

"Well Mrs. Ackerman..."

My heart was beating faster..

"Congratulations you are three weeks pregnant!" The doctor said smiling.

"Congratulations you are three weeks pregnant!"

"Congratulations you are three weeks pregnant!"

"Congratulations you are three weeks pregnant!"

Those words kept repeating on my mind. Hanji took my hand smiled widely. I smiled back. We stood up and thanked the doctor and then left the clinic.

We made are way to the carriage but stopped when I saw someone familiar...

"Julia?...." I said quietly.

She was the girls I rescued from group of boys bullying her. 'What could she doing here the city?' I thought.... but it might not be her... I might be seeing things. I shake my head out of my thoughts and climbed to the carriage.

'I wonder what would Levi say....' I thought smiling...

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