Chapter Eleven

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Your POV

I made my way to my room unlocking the door and closing it behind me. I took my jacket off and hurried to the the bathroom, throwing up at the toilet. I held my hair out of the way and flushed the toilet. I walked to the sink to clean up my mouth and face.

'Gosh... pregnancy is so hard...' I thought smiling. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my clothes and undergarments. Taking the towel next to a chair I hurried of to the bathroom to take a quick and nice shower.

~Skipeu After the Showereu~

I smiled at the steamy mirror before closing the bathroom door. I made my way to the room but found no signs of Levi. 'I guess his still busy with the paperwork..' I thought giggling. I then heard the faint of a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked. But there was no response.

"Who is it?" I said again. This time there was a faint response.

"U-um.. it's me Julia... Julia Webb..." Julia said shyly. I opened the door and greet her with a smile.

"Julia! How's you're ankle?" I asked smiling.

"I-it's getting better.... I came to say thank you for saving me back there." She said looking down.

"No problem! Anyone would do the same...." I said.

"Do you want some tea? Come in!" I said and gestured her to come in... she only nodded shyly.

I closed the door behind and told her to sit down on one of the chairs.

"What kind of tea do you like? Levi has all the teas in here... sometimes I wonder why my husband is so addicted to teas than coffee.." I said laughing. But there was no response.

"Julia?" I turn around curios why she wasn't responding. Julia was standing with her head down.

"Julia are you ok?" I took steps towards her but stopped once i heard her speak.

"I'm sorry I had no choice.. I-if I don't do it... my family will get killed!" She looked at me tears falling down her cheeks.

I looked at her confused and concerned. I walked to her but stopped once I saw what she had in her hands... her fragile hands grip the hilt of the small knife and she stood there in her fighting stance as if ready to charge on me any second.

I looked at her shocked... I couldn't believe the girl I knew a minute ago was shy and timid was now In front of me with a knife ready to stab me.

I back out slowly holding my hands up high in a defender stance.

"J-Julia you don't have to do this... I-I can help you... who's going to kill you're family?" I asked.

"I can't tell you! Or me and my family will get killed!!!" She yelled.

"Look w-we can talk this out Julia... j-just drop you're weapon.." i said walking back... Julia took steps towards me slowly.

"Julia snap out of it!!" I yelled to her.

"I'm sorry! Don't call for help or will really... S-s-Stab you!" She said inching towards me.

"Julia you can't do this!" I said convincing her.

"I-I have to kill you.... and your baby.." she said pointing the knife towards my stomach. I looked at her scared.

"J-JULIA PLEASE YOU CANT.... YOU CANT KILL MY BABY!" I yelled as tears stream down my face.

"SOMEONE HELP!! LEVI!!" I shouted. I brought my arms down as if to shield my unborn child.

"I told you not to yell!!" She said. She run at me full speed. I dodge her and I sprinted at the door opening it and running out as fast as I can. But she caught my arm and I looked at her terrified.

"I-I'm sorry I have to kill the baby..." that was the last thing she said before raising her hand with the knife and aimed at my stomach. I closed my eyes. 'NO! SHE CANT KILL MY BABY!!' I thought.

"LEVI!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and put my arms down again shielding my stomach. I waited for the impact but it never came instead I heard the sound of Julia groaning in pain and the sound of the knife hitting the pavement. I opened my eyes to see Levi grabbing Julia's hand.

"Just.What.In.The.Fucking.World.Do. You.Think.You're.Doing." Levi said anger in his voice.

"I-I......" Julia said but she groaned in pain. Down the hallway I can hear the sound of people running towards us. It was Erwin, Mike, and Hanji. They all looked at me worriedly.

"Levi... I'll take care of her..." mike said and grabbed Julia from Levi's grasp. Julia's head was down in shame as she cried. Mike ordered some cadets to help him with Julia and they walked away down the hallway.

I fell down on my knees as more tears fell down my cheeks. Levi walked towards me and hugged me tightly. I cried on his shoulders.

"Shh.. everything will be alright now (y/n).." Levi whispered in my ears caressing my back. I only nodded unable to speak.

"You should put her in the bed... I'll call the doctor.." hanji said. Levi nodded and carried me bridal style to our bedroom.

"I'll go and follow Mike..." Erwin said anger boiling inside him. Levi only nodded again and he laid me down the bed.

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