Chapter Eight

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Your POV

I knocked on hanji's door and waited for a few seconds for her to open it. She looked at me and smiled.

"Ready?" She asked. I only nod and smiled back. She locked her door and signalled me to walk beside her. I smiled as she talked and talked about titans, her recents experiments, and how exited she is if I really am pregnant.

'What is turns out I am pregnant, does Levi even want kids?....' I thought nervously. As we turned into a corner hanji bumped into a someone. It was...

"Levi..." I said.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked.

"Um... T-town...." I stuttered.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Oh you know just checking what's new in the store.." hanji said. We both looked at Levi but he seemed to distracted. I looked at the direction he was looking at.... the empty hall.

"Levi... something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"No.. it's nothing... have fun you two" Levi smiled and gave me a peck in the cheeks.

He went to the direction where he has been looking at. 'What was that all about... why did he seem so distracted?' I thought confused.

"Lets go?" Hanji said. I only nodded.

~skip to Town brought to you by creepy clowns.. seriously what is wrong with people! This clown hysteria is getting out of hand... good luck to my readers who live in the states~

The carriage came to a halt as the view of the towns people stands can be seen. From the distance I can see the words clinic... 'Ok you can do this...' I thought nervously. We made are way to the clinic... the more steps we took the more nervous I got.

Until we were in the front door... hanji opened and a small sound of a bell can be heard. 'Here goes nothing...' I said.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now