Q and A?!

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Eyo eyo! It's me author chan! I hope you guys had a lovely Christmas and New Years!!

Eyo eyo! It's me author chan! I hope you guys had a lovely Christmas and New Years!!

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So as you can tell by the title there won't be any chapters today.. or maybe I'll upload one later 😏😏.

I'll be doing a Q and A!! So ask me questions on the comments below or if you want to ask me something personal just message me! I would love to talk to all of my readers! Especially if you are new to wattpad and wants some tips on writing books, don't be shy and go ahead and ask me questions, and I'll try my best to answer them! Anyways I'll be waiting for you're messages!!😊💕

(If you're a kpop trash... I am too...😏😂)

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