Book 4?

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Hello everyone it's me your Author-chan! I saw all of the comments on the last chapter and everyone was freaking out 😂 please do not worry there is a reason for the To Be Continued because there will be as promised and waited by everyone a Book 4. Yup that's right you thought I was done didn't you 😂 New characters and a New plot will be added that might take me a few days to plan... so please be patient😂🙏. Anyway I want to say thank you to all of you! 😭 you guys don't know how happy I am for reading my books even if they are cringy 😂 thank you for making the first book up to 600k like holy shizzles 😂 anyway I will post somewhere next week for the release of book 4 so be ready 😂 sending all my my love to all of you~ Author out 💕

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