Chapter Fourteen

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Levi's POV

We both stood there in silence. Not knowing what to say or do.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said breaking the silence.

"I-... that was supposed to be the surprise..." She said teary eyed.

"It's could have been the best surprise too..." I said and turn to look at me.

"I'm just glad nothing happened to you... and our baby.." I said and smiled at her sweetly.

She looked at me her eyes breaming with tears... it fell on her cheeks slowly. I grabbed her hands and pulled her towards me engulfing her in a tight embrace. She sobbed on my shoulders and hug me back tightly.

"It's going to be ok... I'm here now... nothing will ever harm you again... that I swear with my life..." I whispered to her.

~Time skip~

"You should rest... its late and it's bad for you and the baby..." I said slowly tucking her in. She only nodded and smiled weakly at me. I stood up about to leave when she hold out her hand and grab my shirt making me come in a sudden halt.

"What's the matter?" I asked turning around facing her with a confused look. 

"Julia... I don't think she meant to do what she did... she told me... she was forced to do it.." she said looking at me sadly.

"Forced to do it?" I asked eyebrows raised.

"Yes... she told me that if she doesn't kill our baby her family will be dead... who would do such a terrible thing?! Why are they targeting our baby?" She said almost at brink of tears.

"I will find that out... In the mean time you have to rest..." I said kissing her forehead.

"It's not her fault...Levi... help.. her.." she said slowly dozing off. I slightly smiled.

"I'll try... but I can't keep that a promise.." I said and tucked her in one last time before heading towards the door and closed it lightly.


Hello guys.. I'm sorry for not updating for so long!! Happy late Christmas 😂😬 yes I'll will be doing a Christmas special tomorrow I'm so sorry guys that it was late and happy new year!! 😂😊😊

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