Chapter Twenty Nine

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Author- I'm so sad that I can only follow 1000 people 😭 I really want to follow all of you *Cries* 😭

You're POV

Levi and I landed safely on the ground. He looked at me worriedly.

"Next time don't go by yourself. Do you know what could have happen if I wasn't there In the scene?" He said softly holding my hand.

"I'm sorry.." I murmured and looked down.

"Come here..." He said taking my hand and hugged me.

"Pixis will be here soon. You wait here with his men ok?" He firmly ordered. I only nodded. He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"Levi!" Pixis called his men following behind his back.

"They've set up traps along its way. I just hope she takes the bait." Pixis said and looked at the distance.

"I hope so. I'll go and check the situation. (Y/n) will stay here..." He said looking at me.

"Of course Levi I'll take care of her..." Pixis replied smiling at me. He only nodded and took my hand kissing it before leaving using his gear. The spot had the perfect view for seeing both titans and the wall.

"(Y/n) everything will be alright..." Pixis said his hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so..." I said looking at the distance.

Loud screaming and thundering foot steps can be heard. I grasps my hand tightly together and closed my eyes waiting for everything to stop.

"Commander what are we going to do?! They are nearing the wall!" I heard a cadet say.

"Have faith... I'm sure Eren will stop her." Pixis replied. I opened my eyes only to see Annie clinging into the wall while Eren tried to drag her down. She screamed in pain as Eren bit her on her leg. She desperately tried to kick Eren but failed. My eyes widen as she fell onto the ground.

"ANNIE!" I screamed and sprinted towards the wall despite the calls on Pixis.

'I have to save her!'

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now