Chapter Thirty Three

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Hi guys I'm back! And no I didn't die school happened 😂😭 Anyways enjoy the chapter💕

You're POV

I woke up suddenly from someone shaking my shoulders. I opened my eyes slowly.

"Levi?" I questioned as my blurry sight slowly un blurred the person in front of me.

"Hanji?" I said slowly seating up.

"Yeah it's me. How are you feeling?" She asked worriedly and sat beside me.

"I'm fine... What are you going to do with Annie?" I asked avoiding her gaze.

"I'll have to do some experiments with her. Don't worry I won't put her life at risk. After all we still need some answers from her." She uttered. I only nodded as a reply.

"Speaking of answers someone wants to talk to you. Personally." She calmly said.

"Who?" I reacted.

"Julia. Julia Webb." She gently said.


I looked at her... 'Julia?..... Why does that sound so familiar?...' I thought.

"Ah! So you're Julia Webb!" I said.

"Oh yes... How did you know?" She said confused.

"I remember reading your cadet form." I said smiling at her.

"Oh it's nice to meet" She said waiting for my response.

"It's Mrs. Ackerman... But you can call me (Y/n)..." I said smiling.

"It's nice meeting you (Y/n)." She replied smiling.


"I'm sorry I had no choice.. I-if I don't do it... My family will get killed!" She looked at me tears falling down her cheeks.

I looked at her confused and concerned. I walked to her but stopped once I saw what she had in her hands... her fragile hands grip the hilt of the small knife and she stood there in her fighting stance as if ready to charge on me any second.

-End of flashback-

'Ever since that night my whole out look on life changed. How can someone so cruel do such a thing to an innocent girl?.' I concluded.

"She finally wanted to talk after all this months?" I said.

"It took her months to be courage and stout. Let's just acknowledge that." She replied.

"I know. I'm just happy we'll finally help her somehow." I and said and smiled slightly.

"Shall we go?"

"Yeah..." I said and we both stood up heading towards the door.

'This time..... This time I'll make sure I'll find you.....Who ever you are.'

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now