Chapter Thirty Seven: THE FINAL

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You're POV

"And this time. You'll Really See The Hate Of The Real (Y/n) Ackerman."

He looked at me shocked and terror lingered in his black eyes. Suddenly his expression turned dark and he laughed evilly.

"Me? The king of the walls? Rochelleis Capell II will be beaten down by a second in command pregnant woman? I think not." He laughed.

"You think just because I'm pregnant I can't kick your sorry ass?" I said tilting my head while smirking.

He dropped his smug face and cleared his throat obviously taken back by my words. He straightened his long red robe before his smirking face returned.

"And don't you forget about us! I don't care if you are some royal twit, because will be kicking your ass and feed you to the Titans!" Connie shouted his face red from anger.

"Ah! I see you brought your idiotic musketeers. So gladly to make all of your acquaintance.... Well not really." He said laughing at his own joke.

His laughed roared around the room. All of us looked at him like a predator ready to jump on his prey, yet he seemed not to care.

"You guys are really funny, I couldn't ask for more laughter this evening but I'm sad to say that it has to end so soon. You my dear, my love are you ready to be mine Ms.Smith" He said his smirk widening.

"That's Mrs.Ackerman to you your royal dog- I mean your royal majesty. Sorry kinda thought you were son of a bitch." I remarked grinning.

"Haha very funny my dear, so mean yet it's such an honour to be called that from you." He gleamed.

"You are sick." I said gritting my teeth.

"As they say, Love is like a disease you can't get away from. Now my dear come to me and be mine." He conveyed eyeing me like the dog he is.

"Sure... That is if you survive the night, and I'll make sure feel the languish I went through. Now king how about YOU come to me?" I said eyeing him.

"Gladly..." He said taking his pace as he ascend from his throne. His smile widen as he got closer and closer to me.

"Not so fast old man freak." Eren pronounced as he blocked the king in front of me.

"I think it's a good idea if you go back to your meaningless shabby throne." Jean said as he stepped beside Eren.

Rochelleis looked at them and laughed before trying to get through both of the boys and reached out for me.

"LET GO OF ME YOU SCUMBAGS. YOU COME TO ME AND SURRENDER. THERE IS NO ESCAPE FOR YOU UNLESS YOU MARRY ME." He shouted desperately reaching out for me as Eren and Jean blocked his way and pushed him down to the ground.

"We gave you a warning old man...." Jean said as he stepped on the kings back.

Rochelleis groaned in pain as he struggled to get up.


The double doors opened and in mere seconds we were surrounded by men with guns and weapons. There faces were covered with black cloth as they took there stance.

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