Chapter Twenty Four

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Hey guys! Before you read this chapter I'm going to give you a heads up on my new book! It's a Jungkookxreader so if you're a fan or trash of BTS then go ahead check it out 😂

You're POV

"Do you think he'll survive?" I asked both of them.

"Don't know... they're probably in hell by now..." Mike said dusting off his pants and standing up.

"Or maybe Levi has a sex dungeon..."Hanji said pushing up her glasses.

"What?" I said laughing in disbelief.

"You nerve know..."She said laughing as well. I rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

"Guys Guys!!" We heard Erwin screaming in the hallway and entered the room all shivered up.

"Hey how was hell in 30 seconds?" Mike asked.

"I thought I was dead!" Erwin said on the verge of tears.

"Did he take you to his sex dungeon?" Hanji asked her eyes sparkling.


"Well I'm sorry! I was worried about the baby!" She said laughing at Erwin.

"ERWIN!" We heard Levi scream.

"Oh! Fuck me!" He said frustrated.

"Gladly..." Hanji said smirking.

"Ugh get a room you too.."Mike said in utter disgust. I can only laughed.

"Oi Erwin!" Levi appeared out of nowhere his head sticking out in the door frame. Erwin yelped and hid behind Hanji.

"Leave (Y/n) alone she needs to rest..." Levi said dragging Erwin, Hanji, and Mike out the door.

"Ah! Ok bye (y/n)!" Hanji yelled as they were dragged out the room. Levi came back sand sat beside me.

"Levi can I ask you a question?"

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"Do you secretly have a sex dungeon..."

"WHAT?! HOW DID YOU KNOW?!" He said surprised. I looked at him also surprised by his response.

"YOU ACTUALLY DO!?!? YAH! YOU PERVERT GET OUT!" I said kicking him.

"IM KIDDING.." he said laughing.

" STILL GET OUT!" I said laughing. He gave me a quick peck on the lips and dashed out the door before the pillow i trowed hit him.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now