Chapter Thirty Six

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Your POV

"Wait (Y/n)!"

"HOLD UP!!" Hanji yelled and grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going at the middle of the night?!" Hanji asked worriedly.

"I have to go and to talk to the devil himself." I said gritting my teeth quickly setting my horse ready.

"What?! No no you are not going anywhere." Hanji said quickly hugging me for dear life.

"Let go Hanji! I have to go!" I said trying my best to let her grip loose.

"Do you know what's going to happen if you go there alone?! He might even kidnap you and kill your baby!!" Hanji said shaking my shoulders a bit to wake me.

I dropped my saddle and looked at her in pain and anger.

"I won't let that monster touch me... or my baby. And when he does he'll be dead by then." I said in venom.

"Huh? Hanji? (Y/n)?" Eren who out of nowhere appeared and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"What's going on?" He asked and yawned.

"Are you leaving?" Eren asked quickly approaching us and looked at me worriedly.

"It's good your here Eren. Pick up your horse your coming with me." I said quickly putting my saddled up the horse.

"Huh? Me where?" Eren asked confusingly.

"Eren isn't coming with you!" Hanji said looking at me wide eyed.

"If Eren is coming with you then where coming too." Armin said as the group followed behind him ready to go.

"You guys...." I said tears already falling.

"We can't leave you alone. So let's do this..." Jean said as he held hands with Marco. They all nodded in agreement.

"What! No! Wait this is-"

"Hanji please take of Levi while I'm gone."

"What?!!I'm not babysitting a 30 year old man!!" She said.

"And also...."

And just like that we embarked in our journey to the castle at night. My heart felt like it will pound out of my chest. He...He will pay for this... This time I wont let him see the dawn of morning... this will be his last day.

"Excuse me miss? Who are you?" The castle guard asked as he stopped my way with his spear. All of us removed our hood.

"I am (Y/n) Ackerman. Second Commander of the Surveryor Corps. I believe the King wants to have a talk with me." I said.

"Of course this way Mrs. Ackerman." The guard politely said as he opened the gates for us.

"Please this way the king is waiting." He ushered as he opened the big double doors that lead to the throne.

As he opened it we were welcomed with darkness except the light from the moonlight that emitted from the windows.

"Well if it isn't my dear (Y/n). How have you been?" The King said as he stood from his throne and slowly approached us.

"Well if it isn't my king... I'm doing great and you?" I asked also approaching him slowly.

"I'm fine now that I've seen you dear.."


"I couldn't say the same...." I said smirking at him.

He stopped on his tracks his eyes wide.

"I'll make sure you suffer the way I did. And I swear that I'll make you feel the pain with every bone you have."

"And this time. You'll Really See The Hate Of The Real (Y/n) Ackerman."


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