Chapter Twenty One

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You're POV

"Why are you bleeding so much?"

"What?" I looked at him confused.

His face turned pale and terrified. I looked at my legs and saw that my white leggings turned crimson red and was running down my thigh. I felt the sudden pain and crunched down.

"(Y/N)!" Levi yelled.

"Agh!! L-Levi it h-hurts..." I said yelling in pain. Tears welled up and I looked at Levi. He ran towards me and quickly carried me bridal style. He bolted out the door as fast as he can carrying me.

"L-Levi the baby!!" I said with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Nothing will happen to the baby..." He said running as fast as he can. I hugged my stomach feeling the small bump. 'Please.... please don't die..'

My vision was starting to get hazy Levi's pants and screams grew more distant and distant... until all turned black.

Levi's POV

I pushed opened the door to the infirmary with all my might almost breaking down the door. The nurse and doctor looked at me confused by my sudden outburst. They looked (y/n) there eyes widening and quickly arranged a bed.

"What happened?' The doctor asked.

"She's three weeks pregnant doc... please do anything to save (Y/n) and my child.." I said tears almost falling.

"We will do our best... right now we have to run some tests on her to make sure she and the baby is alright... Ms. Saito please escort Mr. Ackerman outside.." He said reassuringly. I looked at (y/n) one more time before leaving the room worriedly.

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