Chapter Ten

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Your POV

I opened the carriage door and ran my way towards HQ.

"(Y/n)! Don't leave me!! And stop running it's bad for you!!!!!" Hanji yelled. I stopped running and looked at her apologetically.

"You can't run or it will be bad for the ba-Mmm!" I fast walked to her and covered her mouth before she can finish.

"Don't say it so loud! I want Levi to know it first before the cadets..." I said to her. Some of the cadets gave us weird looks but I just smiled at them.

"Come on let's go..." I said and dragged her.

~skip brought to you by you're Author baking..... I hope they turn out good 😖~

I quickly said goodbye to hanji and headed for Levi's office. I knocked at the door excitedly.

"State you're name and business..." Levi said.

"It's you're wife! And you're baby...." I mutttered the last part so he wouldn't hear it which made me giggle.

"Come in" Levi said a hint of happiness in his voice. I sigh relived that he didn't hear the last part. I opened the door and he sat on his chair, his table filled with paperwork. He stood up and smiled walking up to me. He opened his wide arms and hugged my tight.

"How did the shopping go with hanji?" He said tiredly his head lying down on my shoulders.

"It went well..." I said and hugged him back ruffling his soft black hair.

"I'm so tired...." he said and hugged me even closer.

"Then let's got to sleep early..." I said laughing.

"Hmm... I can't... I have to finish all of this paperwork.." he said sighing.

"Then I'll go ahead and wait for you in our room... I have a surprise for you.." I said grinning.

"Huh? Really? What is it?" He said letting go of the hug and looked at me smiling.

"Baka! I can't tell you it's a surprise remember?" I said hitting him in the head playfully. He overreacted and looked at me as if I had just stolen his candy.

"Ow! That really hurt..." he said fake crying.

"Oh shut up you big baby... I'm going now bye!!" I said giving him a quick peck on the lips. He looked at me sadly. I copied his expression and laughed.

"Do well on the paperwork!" I said smiling.

"Yeah yeah..." he said returning to his desk smiling. I smiled one last time before closing the door.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now