Chapter Thirteen

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Levi's POV

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her sitting beside the bed facing towards her. She avoided my gaze.

"I-I.... that was the surprise...." She muttered not looking at me.

"Since when did you know about this?" I asked her softly.

"T-this morning..." she replied. I looked at her lovingly. I took her hands and took them on mine kissing it.

"So I'm going to be a dad?" I said smiling softly. She nodded and smiled back. I leaned in forward and gave her a peck on the lips.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered as we broke our kiss.

"For what?" I asked looking straight in her eyes.

"I didn't mean the surprise to go this way..." she said and looked back at me.

"It's fine... we didn't expect things to go this way. Its not you're fault." I said smiling at her. She smiled back.

"For our second child... I'm sure the announcement won't be like this." I said.

"S-second c-child?" She looked at me shocked. I smirked at her.

"You have to rest... its not good for the baby." I said and gently pushed her down the bed. She only looked at me still shocked. I put the covers on top of her so she won't feel cold. I sat down beside her looking at her eyes lovingly.

"I'll go see if the doctor is here..." I said smiling and stood up. I turned around almost ready to leave when (y/n) grabbed my arm. I turned around and looked at her. She sat up and looked at me.


"W-what do you mean by second child?" She asked. Her face had the reaction of if she really wanted to know or not.

"You'll see.." I said winking at her. She only looked at me her mouth hanging open. I turned around and quietly chuckled. I walked towards the door and closed it gently.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now