Chapter Twenty Eight

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You're POV

"I told you, you don't have to follow me.." I said gripping the rope tighter.

"Well if I don't I'm dead fried meat on Corporal... Sometimes I don't get why you're stubborn." He said following my fast pace.

"Next time you asked that question, ask Erwin and maybe he knows." I snickered.

"Yeah maybe I should've asked early, and can you slow down!" He sweat dropped.

"I have to arrive there early! I can't let this opportunity go. I've already let It go once... I can't let it go this time." I said determined.

After seconds of being surrounded by large trees the lively town came into view. I rode faster as Jean called my name far behind. I looked left and right with sharp eyes eyeing each and every long pathways to see any movements of the familiar titan.

Citizens flee from every direction to hide. A loud roar stopped me in my tracks. I looked towards my left as the ground shook violently as it came closer... Or should I say she.

I got off my saddle and quickly attached myself on the roof of the building. I huffed and groaned slightly petting my stomach. 'Sorry baby. Just a little bit more..'

The female titan ran towards me as Eren chased behind her. Slowly our eyes met as she ran past me. A gust of strong wind hit me as I lost my balance. In slow motion I toppled at the edge of the roof top and fell. I looked up at the sky as tears fell. 'Is this it?' It thought as I fell down.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact only to be met by a strong pair of arms. I opened my eyes slowly to be met by the cold and stoic eyes.

"L-Levi..." I croaked as we landed softly back on the roof.

"What were you thinking?! You could have died!" He said angrily.

"I- I'm sorry." I sobbed. His face softened and hugged me.

"I can't let you or our baby die. Now come and I'll take you somewhere safe." He said softly standing up carried me up his back. I held tightly and looked back one more time. The two Titans seemed so far yet there roars can be heard so close. I looked in front of me as we soared up away. Levi turned his head in my direction slightly.

"We'll get her. Don't worry." He said softly. I only nodded and hugged his broad back tightly.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now