Chapter Twenty Seven

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Author- OMG you guys are amazing! The first book just got 428k reads and 17k votes kshfbbfufueuhendhfbhf I just died... thank you so much 😭🙏🏻

You're POV

"Get my horse ready." I said sternly putting my uniform jacket on.

"But Ma'am Corporal Levi has stated for you to stay here at HQ.." He said blocking my way.

"I don't care what he says. Get my horse ready.." I said glaring at him.

"But Ma'am I-"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT LEVI SAID... GET MY HORSE READY..." I bitterly said. He gulped and quickly nodded dashing out of my office like his life depended on it.

There were so many thoughts rushing through my head. 'This has got to be a dream right? I'm just dreaming...right?' I thought storming out of my office and headed for the stables. I kicked the door harshly and stormed to my horse.

"Hey (y/n) how's it goin-!" Jean asked gleefully but stopped and looked at me terrified.

"Where's my horse?" I asked. His face darkened with fright.

"I uh um-well a-about that C-Corporal said-"

I squinted my eyes slightly and glared at him.

"Said to grab you a horse sure I will- Hehe.." He nervously replied and walked fast. In a minute he came out holding my (F/c) stallion named (S/n).

I got my gear on ready and hopped on the stallions back.

"Wait I'm coming with you." Jean said getting his horse ready.(Author- I mean does he really need one?😂)

"No need..." I said slightly kicked and the horse sprinted out of the stable.

"AGH! Wait be careful!! Y-YOURE GOING TO HURT THE BABY... fuck I'm so dead..." Jean said hopping on the back of his horse and chased me.

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now