Chapter Eighteen

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Julia's POV

It was just another typical night. It was quite windy outside mixed with rain and thunder storm. Tonight just didn't feel right. I had a feeling that something bad will happen.

"Sis!" Jannah called out.

"Yes.." I faked a smile.

"We have visitors..." she said joyfully.

'Visitors? At this time?' I thought confused. I quickly walked pass Jannah and made my way towards the living room.


Five men were standing in front of my father. I quickly put Jannah behind me.

"I- I don't have the money.." My father said tremble in his voice.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE IT?!" He yelled and grabbed my fathers collar. I quickly stepped in and grabbed the man's arm.

"Please! Don't! We will play you! We just need more time!" I cried desperately.

"We've already given you 3 months! If you don't pay... we might us well take you.." he said smirking.

"You can't!" My father cried out.

"Sis!" Jannah called out and grabbed my dress.

"Jannah go upstairs.." I said.


"GO!" I shouted.

Jannah was shocked and confused by my shouting. Her eyes filled with tears and ran her way passed us up the stairs. The sound of the bedroom door opening quickly followed with a loud shut.

"Fine... take me.." I said bravely.

"Julia!" My father called out concerned.

"It's ok father... This will pay off our debt.." I said trying to smile.

"You can't Julia! What about me? What about you're sister Jannah!"

"Tell her I went to work... and won't be back for a few months... please father I have to do this.."

"Come now young lady..." The guys said letting go of my father and gave me his cocky smirk.

"JULIA!" My father called out but he was push to the ground by one of the guys.

"I'm sorry father.. please understand... I love you and Julia! I will come back to both of you!" I yelled as hard as I can.

The guys harshly pushed me to there carriage and closed it. I saw my father run out of the house to catch us but he was already too late. I watched as the house and him quickly faded into nothingness.

I sat back on seat feeling overwhelmed and wanting to cry, but I held it in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To his majesty.... He would love an accompany like you..." He smirked.

'What would the king want from me?'

Commander's Little Sister 3 (Levixreader) [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now