Chapter Thirty Five

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Your POV

"The King..."

I looked at her shocked and confused.

'D-did I just hear The King? T-that monster did all of this?!' I thought as anger boiled inside of me.

"He planned all of this! The wanting death of your baby and the stabbing that happened to you a year and half ago." She said as tears streamed down her fragile face.

"He did all of this? Why? WHY WOULD HE!" I said shouting with absolute anger.

"(Y-Y/n) calm down it's not good for you..." Hanji said worriedly and approached me.

She sat beside me and rubbed my back.

"H-he said he wanted you all to himself. That night he took me from my sister and father, he gave me the task to kidnapped you in exchange for saving their lives. I had no choice, he forced me to enter the military and I trained for only about three months. The king somehow got me in without having to train for years like the other cadets." She continued.

"I had to inform him everything that was happening around you and Captain Levi. I followed you to the clinic on the day you knew you were having a baby. When he knew you were pregnant he instantly ordered me that night to kill the baby no matter what. My family is probably in danger now. I just can't let them... They're all I have." She said and sobbed.

"That son of a bitch... I'll kill him.." I said standing up.

"Woah woah. Calm down (Y/n). Let's think this through. We have to inform the others about this. Think of a plan to destroy that king. For now let's rest. Alright?" Hanji said worriedly.

"Hanji I can't rest now! He needs to get what he deserves. I knew he was acting fishy when I left him that day. I never knew he would do this." I said gritting my teeth.

"I know this a lot to take in, but please be careful (Y/n) now that I'm in prison the king probably has other spies lurking around the HQ. He won't stop unless he has you beside him." Julia informed and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I will Julia. Don't worry I'll do everything in my will to get you back to your father and sister. Hanji have Julia guarded 24/7, make sure no harm comes to her." I sternly said.

"Of course. Julia you be careful as well." Hanji said smiling. Julia's smiled back nodded her head shyly.

I smiled at her and hugged her stroking her soft hair.

"You'll be safe I'll have the best and powerful cadets to guard you. I'll contact your family and bring them to you safely." I said letting go of her and wiped her tears.

"Thank you (Y/n)." She said and smiled at me joyfully.

"No Julia. Thank you for telling me." I said smiling back.

'Just you wait... I definitely won't give mercy once I see you...'

Authors Note-

Hi guys it's Author-chan! I just wanted to let you guys know why I haven't updated is because I'm currently in my home country the Philippines! 🇵🇭

Hi guys it's Author-chan! I just wanted to let you guys know why I haven't updated is because I'm currently in my home country the Philippines! 🇵🇭

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I just got here about two weeks ago! And I'm so happy to finally see my family after years

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I just got here about two weeks ago!
And I'm so happy to finally see my family after years. Anyways I'll try to update more now that I good wifi 😂 I hope you guys like the chapter! 💕

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