Chapter 1: Finding Out

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~Harley's POV~

It's been a year since me & Nat been married & we talked about trying to have a baby & everything with me & Nat has been so smooth. Im still taking nursing classes at New York Institute of Medical Careers & John still lives with me & Nat and it's okay cause me & Nat love having John around cause he has always been the best for me & Nat he will always support me. About this morning I haven't been feeling well I been throwing up like crazy & it's been crazy I think I may be pregnant so I decided to go to the store to pick up a pregnancy test.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go to the store real quick I will be back in a few." I said as I feel nervous

"Okay babe I will see you in a bit I love you." said Nat as he kissed me

"Okay sis I will see you when you get back." said John as he's playing video games

*Harley walks out the door*

I am a bit nervous but me & Nat talked about having a baby so he's gonna be happy about this but right now I am going to pick up a pregnancy test & if I am pregnant I will be very excited but at the same time I will be scared but me & Nat talked about having kids before we got married. Soon as I got to the store I went inside & picked up some drinks to help me go to the bathroom cause I need to take a pregnancy test so I went to the isle where they have pregnancy test so I picked up a 3 pregnancy test so I can make sure if it's all positive or not and went to pay for them & now headed to the car & headed back home.

*Harley makes it back home*

So I made it back home try to hide the pregnancy test to make sure they both don't see it & I saw Nat & John watching Suicide Squad.

"Hey guys Im home." I said

"Hey babe." said Nat as he got up and kissed me "Is everything okay? It seems like you haven't been feeling good

"I'm doing okay babe I think i'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick." I said

"Okay babe well if you need me or anything holler". said Nat

So I went to the bathroom took a pregnancy test & waited for the results & took 3 pregnancy test & I got out I saw Nat and I should tell him the big news.

"Hey babe." said Nat as he kissed me "Are you okay?"

"Yeah Im fine but I wanna tell you something in private." I said as I grabbed Nat's hand and went in our room

*They went into their bedroom*

"Well the reason why I went to the store early today cause I went to pick up 3 pregnancy tests." I said

"So where they a positive or negative?" said Nat as he starts to get excited

"They all say positive so yes babe IM PREGNANT" I said with exciment

"Im gonna be a dad babe this is amazing." said Nat as he gave me a hug & kiss

"I can't believe this were gonna be parents." I said

"Should we tell John?" said Nat

"Lets go tell him." I said

*They went to to the living room to break the news to John*

"Hey bubs." I said

"Hey sis is everything okay." said John

"Me & Nat have something to tell you." I said as me & Nat sat down

"So what's up?" said John

"I'm pregnant." I said

"OMG are you serious?" said John

"Yes me & Nat are expecting." I said

"Im gonna be an Uncle." said John as he gave me & Nat a hug

So I finally told John and this is it me & Nat are expecting our first child together I still don't feel well but it be worth it right now I am already wishing this baby would grow so I can see him/her & I can't wait to see what pregnancy is going for me I am so blessed & I wish my mother was still with us she would be an amazing Grandmother but she's still watching me & John & now baby Wolff is on the way & Nat is so supportive of me & I know he's gonna be an amazing father as I pictured him the day we was on our Honeymoon & I can't believe a year ago I married the man of my dreams & now were having a baby.

*Getting ready for bed*

"So when do we get an ultrasound?" said Nat

"I would wait till i'm 4 weeks babe." I said laying down on the bed

"I just can't wait to see they little peanut." said Nat as he rubs my belly "Hey there this is your daddy saying I love you so much."

*Harley smiles at Nat*

"This is so unreal babe we been married for a year & now were having a baby." I said

"I know right it just feels like yesterday we just got married." said Nat

"Yeah & I remember the honeymoon and my favorite was when we went to the love lock bridge it was romantic babe." I said as I cuddle next to him

"Yeah it was my favorite too babe & look at us now there is a little Wolff inside you." said Nat as he continues to rub my belly and kisses me

*30 minutes later they went to sleep & they are happy that they are having their first child*

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