Chapter 13: The Fever

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~Nat's POV~

I noticed Harley hasn't been feeling good but she won't say a thing to me I noticed her body was aching like really bad & man I hate seeing her in pain, she was throwing up like 5 times today & having chest discomfort, sweating & she barley even touches her food I am just getting worried about her & she's coughing like non-stop, getting & dehydration and a runny nose man I hate seeing her not feeling good.

"Babe you doing okay?" I said

"Im fine babe." said Harley

"Babe you look like your having the flu." I said feeling her head "My gosh babe your burning up you need to go in the bed and lie down cause your not feeling to good."

"I am fine babe." said Harley

"Babe your hurting, you about threw up 5 times, and coughing non-stop, & your body is aching and not only that your getting dehydrated & sweating you need to lay down." I said as we walked in the room

"Okay babe okay." said Harley 

"Now babe I wanna see you in Pj's when I get back I am gonna get some blankets okay." I said as I waked out of our room

*Nat goes into the closet*

"Hey man whats wrong with Harley she looks like she hasn't been feeling good." said John

"Yeah I had to make her go in the bed & can you watch Jenny for me & Harley cause Harley looks like she's real sick she's burning up with a fever." I said

"Ok I will watch Jenny for you guys." said John

So I walked back into the room & Harley is in her pjs like I told her to & she got under the covers I turned on the fan cause Harley can't ever sleep without the fan cause it blocks the noise & I went and called the doctor just to see what she has just to make sure what it really is I picked up the phone & dialed the number & told him what was going on & then he gave me the answer & I finally got off the phone.

"Babe the doctor says you have the flu & he says you have to be in bed at all times drink lots of water & you eat saltine foods & you have to rest until your well." I said

"My body hurts like bad babe." said Harley as she coughs "My head hurts."

"Would you like for me to get a cold rag?" I said as I rubbed her arms

"That would be ok it's hot babe." said Harley as she buried her face in the pillow

"Okay I will be right back okay babe?" I said 

"Okay." said Harley as she feels pain in herself

*Nat walks in the bathroom & gets a rag & puts it in cold water & walks back into the room*

"Here you go babe." I said as I placed the rag on her head

"Thanks babe it feels good babe." said Harley as she feels cold on her head

"You need anything else babe maybe?" I said as I rub her shoulder

"I think i'm gonna get some rest." said Harley

"Okay babe you just get some rest & if you need anything holler." I said as I put a blanket on her

So I waked out of the room & Jenny was just looking at John smiling cause he's making funny faces & I love that smile I wish Harley wasn't so sick but once she gets better she will be able to be with Jenny.

"Hey baby girl are you having fun with Uncle John?" I said as I sat on the floor "Mommy's not feeling good she's asleep right now but she will be alright she just gotta get some rest but you get to play with me & Uncle John."

"So hows she feeling now?" said John

"She's still not feeling too good I gave her a cold rag cause she was sweating like crazy she has the flu." I said while holding Jenny

"Oh okay I hate seeing my sister sick she's miserable when she's sick." said John

"Me too but she will be okay as long as she takes meds & I'm gonna to the drug store to pick up some pills for her & gets some stuff her her." I said

To be continued.............

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