Chapter 2: 1st Ultrasound

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~Harley's POV~

*4 weeks pregnant*

So right now I am in my 1st trimester the baby is probably a size of a raisin so today & I'm 4 weeks along & today me & Nat are gonna see our baby for the 1st time so were really excited to see our little peanut & see what were gonna when I'm about 18 weeks were gonna find out the gender it's so hard to believe that I'm gonna be a mother soon I am so impaitnent I can't wait to hold him/her. So me & Nat finished getting ready & John is still asleep so I left a little note on the fridge just so he knows where were at.

"Nat you ready?" I said as I grabbed my purse

"Yes babe I just got my shoes on." said Nat as he walked into the living room

"We have to be there in 30 minutes." I said as we walked out the door

*They took Nat's car Nat is driving*

"So I guess where gonna see our little peanut." said Nat as he puts his hands on my belly

"Yeah were gonna see him/her for the 1st time I'm a little nervous though cause it is our first baby together." I said

"Want me to turn on Skillet babe?" said Nat

"Skillet sounds awesome babe." I said

*Nat turns on Skillet & it played Stars*

"Thats' a good song babe." I said

"It's pretty good babe." said Nat as he's driving and holding my hand

*As soon as the song ended they finally made it to the doctors office*

*Nat & Harley went & signed a bunch of papers and waited for a few mins*

"Harley Wolff." said the Nurse

*Harley & Nat went to the room*

"She would be here in a few." said the Nurse

"I'm so nervous babe." said Nat

"Its gonna go great babe where just getting an ultrasound." said Nat

"I know babe it's probably just the hormones talking cause duh I am pregnant." I said

"Its gonna be fine babe." said Nat as he kissed my hand

*The doctor finally came*

"Hello Mr. & Mrs. Wolff I will be giving your ultrasound so how's the pregnancy going?" said the Doctor

"Its going good just have morning sickness." I said

"It is normal for pregnant women and there will be alot of symptoms going around & you wanna see y'all baby?" said the Doctor

"Yes please." I said

*Doctor sets up ultrasound*

"Look babe it's our baby." I said

"Its so small." said Nat

"You see there is a little dot it's like a rasin." said the Doctor

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it's our little one

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"Oh my gosh I can't believe it's our little one." said Nat

"I am just speechless." I said as I cried happiness."

"Your pregnancy is doing well and come back when your 18 weeks to find out the gender." said the Doctor

"Okay thanks so much." I said as the Doctor gave me the baby's first sonogram pic

So we about left the room and headed back to the car and it's so unreal that we saw our little peaunut for the first time I just can't believe I'm carrying a little person inside me I never been this happy this is gonna be a big journey for me & Nat when we officaly become parents it's gonna be rough but it will be worth it.

What I Believe -(Sequel to The Lives Of Harley and John BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now