Chapter 11: Jenny's 1st Doctors Appointment

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~Harley's POV~

So it it's 8:00 & Nat is not thrilled with waking up at 8 in the morning but he's fine with it right now he's just got done getting dressed he's wearing one of his Beatles shirt, dark blue jeans & gray vans, I am wearing just one of my Flyleaf shirts & light blue skinny jeans & my light blue vans & John is already dressed so were just getting Jenny ready we putted on one of the outfits we bought her & we put on a hair band with a bow on it cause I kinda like bows & she looked very cute so Nat is packing up diapers & her bottles & pacifires and a blanket to keep the sun out of her face & hopefully the paparazzi doesn't bother us cause me & Nat are trying to get Jenny away from cameras & man them idiots like to be in your business but were gonna try to get Jenny to have a normal life but it is kinda hard with Nat being an actor & musician at once but he's gotten body guards to help keep crazy people out of our way & John doesn't like getting flashes all at once cause its kinda bright & a lot of the flashes. So we are finished getting ready.

"You got everything babe?" I said as I held Jenny

"Yeah I got all of it." said Nat 


"I'm coming sis." said John as he walks out the room

*They left the apartment & a few mins later they finally arrive & signed some papers & waited for 4 mins & they finally called us in*

"So this is Jenny's first check up is it?" said the Doctor

"Yeah." I said

"So she's a newborn." said the Doctor

"Yea she was just born saturday at 12:30 in the morning." I said

"Okay were gonna check to see how healthy she is." said the Doctor as she picks up Jenny 

*So the doctor checks everything & she had to get shots which made Harley nervous cause she never liked needles*

"There we go she is healthy & she's good to go so I will see you in a month." said the Doctor as she begins to leave the room

"Thanks so much." said Nat

*As soon as the doctor left they finally left the building & went back to the car*

*As a few mins came by they finally made it home*

~Nat's POV~

So we made it home & Jenny is doing really good she's just sleeping like all babies do is eat, poop, cry, peeing, & keeping me & Harley up yeah but I love my daughter so much I took an instagram pic of Jenny & Harley and I just love these 2 to pieces they are my two favorite girls & Harley is just so beautiful even after having Jenny & I am so proud of my wife she's done so well on herself, the pregnancy & the birth even though she did crush my hand a lot but it was worth it cause I still remember it was 2 days ago when she opened her eyes into a new world & I remember getting to hold Jenny for the first time bonding with her & I love bonding with her and me & Harley's future is coming along & we won't know what comes next right now were just focusing on Jenny & Harley is just holding her & feeding her while watching The Big Bang Theory and we gotten to spend some time with Jenny & John got to spend a lot of time with Jenny well she loves her Uncle John he's just talking to her & making her smile.

"Hey there munchkin whats Uncle John's pretty girl doing?" said John "Your Uncle John's pretty girl."

"Are you having some time with Uncle John?" said Harley "You love your Uncle John don't you I can tell you do cause your Uncle John can be a goof."

*As the an hour went by Harley & Nat decided to take a nap*

~John's POV~

So I am watching Jenny while Harley & Nat take a nap & looks like I'm gonna have some Uncle & Niece time with Jenny so I changed her & fed her & I watched some tv & watched Arrow & then I watched The Hunger Games which is Harley's all time favorite book & movie & Jenny fell asleep where Katniss enters the arena & I just held Jenny in my arms and I am enjoying spending some time with my niece & if Mom was with here right now she would spoil her way too much cause before she died from when she talked about that someday if she has a grand baby she will spoil them too much but I just wish she wasn't so sick but she's looking down at us & I know she loves Jenny so much even though that Jenny won't know who her Grandma but she's not sick anymore thats all it matters is she's not suffering me & Harley still miss her a lot but she's always in our hearts & now I am blessed to have Harley & my brother-in-law Nat & our friends & now Jenny.

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