Chapter 6: The Baby Shower

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*40 Weeks Pregnant*

~Harley's POV~

So I am in my 3rd trimester & so I should be around 9 months & I got a call from the doctor saying that Jenny should be coming any day now this pregnancy is going by fast so today is my baby shower so me & the girls got everything ready & I already baked & gotten the food & Jaz & Halston was decorating & Shaliene was helping me with the food were including the guys cause their about to be part of Jenny's life I can't believe in just a few weeks Jenny will finally be here & we wanna get this baby shower done before I start labor & there is just so much with Jenny fixing to come into this world soon & cause my belly is just continuing to grow but Jenny will be here when she's ready but me & Nat are so impatient cause we wanna see Jenny's beautiful face & I am so excited going through all this symptoms was not the best but that was part of letting Jenny getting ready to come into this world & I can't believe in just a few days I am gonna be a mother soon but I am nervous at the same time cause since Jenny is gonna be coming any day.

*The baby shower has began*

"So are you nervous for the birth?" said Jaz

"I don't even know how I feel at the moment cause I am just nervous & excited at the same time but it's gonna be worth it once Jenny comes into this world." I said feeling my baby bump

"I think your gonna do good you just gotta relax & Nat will be with you on that day when Jenny comes to this world it's gonna be dramatic though cause you seen it in movies." said Shailene

"Yeah it will be dramatic but its gonna be worth when Jenny comes to this world I am just ready to see her beautiful face." I said

"I am gonna spoil her." said Halston

So everyone was just hanging around and watching me open the gifts for Jenny & I have the cutest stuff for Jenny & she's gotten so many cloths & everything I been ordering her cloths online for days since me & Nat found out we having a girl it's all gonna look on Jenny & it's already here so that but I gotten more swimsuits, booties, socks, more diapers, baby wipes, bottles, & some baby toys they gave us & Jenny is getting spoiled here I can tell John is gonna be a good Uncle & so is Alex and I am just so excited I know I said it a bunch of time but Nat is a lot more excited cause Jenny is defiently gonna be a daddy's girl cause she moves a lot when she hears Nat's voice I think it's cute when he just talks to Jenny & she just kicks like crazy but it's good that Nat is talking to Jenny he loves Jenny since the day I found out we was expecting before we even knew we was gonna be having a girl I never know I would love someone who I haven't even met & I just can't wait to see her face once again I just wish Mom was here right here spoiling Jenny but like I said it all before she's up in Heaven & is seeing me going so well on this pregnancy but I miss her a lot I just wish the cancer didn't get in her system but I thanked God for giving me 22 years to have my mom like she says she will always be with me in spirit.

*Sooner everyone has gone home & Nat, John & Alex cleaned up afterwards and after they cleaned Alex went home & then John went to bed*

"I am tired babe & this baby is just kicking." I said rubbing my baby bump

"Let's go babe cause we need to get a lot of rest cause you never know when Jenny is ready to get here." said Nat as he holds my hand

So we both went to our room & we got in our sleepwear & we watched a little bit of TV we decided to watch The Assault & we I fell asleep at the part where Samantha's dad was beating up a football player for what he did to his daughter.

*About 3 hours later Harley woke up*

So I woke up cause I got thirsty & I decided to drink some juice & I just hung in the kitchen for while & I just looked down my baby bump & just smiled cause I am so ready to hold my daughter & then all the sudden I hear that voice again.

"Mom." I said

"It's me again baby girl." said Mom as she walks towards me and feels my baby bump "I am very proud of you on how you came along the pregnancy & I can't believe you grown into a very intelligent young woman & now your married & becoming a mother."

"I miss you so much Mommy." I said started crying

"I know sweetie but remember the day the first time you saw me as an Angel I will always be with you, John & now my son-in-law & Jenny & I will always watch y'all & make sure y'all safe from danger & I will always see you guys when Im up there." said Mom as she hugs me

*All the sudden Harley gets a weird feeling*

"Mom I think it's time." I said as I began to freak out

"Harley just listen to me you can do this & just go get your husband & go to the hospital." said Mom

"Okay." I said as she vanished

*Harley walks in to the room*

"Babe, Babe, Babe." I said

"Whats going on babe?" said Nat as he turns on the light

"My water just broke & it's happening we gotta get to the hospital now." I said as I began to scream "AHHHHHHH"

"Just sit here and just breath okay I am gonna let John know were heading to the hospital." said Nat as he walks out the door

*Nat knocks on John's door*

"Hey man your sister is about to have the baby." said Nat

"Really I will go with y'all i'll just wait in the waiting room at the hospital." said John

*So the Nat got everything in the car & John drove the car & Harley and Nat just sat in the back room & Harley was really calm it hasn't really hit her yet*

~Nat's POV~

So Harley had started labor & she is calm & I'm just holding her hand and being right there beside her & just excited that Jenny is finally coming into this world & it's official I am gonna be a Dad & I just sat with Harley & she's just so calm & she's doing real good with the labor pains & she's gonna be getting a lot of it but it's gonna be worth cause it will be on how I will finally see Jenny for the first time & I am just happy right now.

"This is painful." said Harley

"I know babe but she's finally gonna be coming into this world." I said as I keep holding Harley's hand

As soon as John pulled up to the parking lot we checked her in John sat in the waiting room & they rushed her into a room.

To be continued...........

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