Chapter 14: Down With The Flu

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~Nat's POV~

Harley is still sick with the flu I feel bad that Jenny wasn't able to be around her Mommy but she doesn't wanna risk her getting sick & my poor baby is just been in bed most of the time but I gotten to take care of her I give her medicine, put a cold rag on her head, & gave her chicken noodle soup which she loves & I have stuck by her side I am so glad I gotten to take care of her & John has been helping me with Jenny the whole time Harley has been sick I am gonna be glad when Harley is better from the flu & she hasn't gotten a headache today which is a good sign she's still throwing up & having chest pains & sweating like crazy and still has a bit of body aches but she's seems like she's getting better her doctor gave me prescription for her medicine & she has been taking them she's been eating normal which is good & while Harley sleeps & I got to have some bonding time with Jenny & John can have his breaks if he wanted to & I love spending time with my daughter & hopefully me & Harley would have more kids in the future just right now were gonna wait till Jenny is either 3 or 4 before me & Harley make that choice to have another baby & I just love the way Jenny looks at me & she just looks so much like Harley doing that and I love that smile she just doing hollering & I feel bad that Jenny doesn't see her Mommy but she will be alright I gotten to spend some time with her.

"Hey are you ticklish?" I said trying to tickle Jenny "Tickle, tickle, tickle, are you smiling I see that smile can Daddy have kisses."

*Jenny makes noises & Nat started kissing Jenny on the forehead*

"So how is Harley feeling right now?" said John

"She's seems to be doing alright she hasn't had a headache & she's eating better she's still throwing up, having chest pains & sweating & body still aching a bit but she just has to take her pills & she's in the room sleeping right now I feel bad that she hasn't been able to spend time with Jenny the whole time cause she's sick." I said 

"Yeah I know it's been yesterday since she wasn't feeling well." said John

"Yeah but again thanks so much for taking care of Jenny for me while I was taking care of Harley." I said 

"Anytime what are brothers for." said John

"Yea you did good watching Jenny for me when I was taking care of your sister." I said

"Yeah & I am still remembering the day when you asked for my sisters hand in marriage I never forgot that day  & I can remember the day I walked her down the isle & it's just my big sis is now a Mommy & it just feels like yesterday we was just two siblings in Orlando." said John

"I know it feels like yesterday I was just known for being on Nickelodeon with my brother Alex." I said

"Yeah when our Mom was alive we would do a lot of things with our Mom & we would spend a lot of time with her until she got sick she was diagnosed with cancer & she's spent most of her life in & out of the hospital & not being able to do all that but she always had a good attitude & we spend much time with her as much as we could cause she was dying & our Dad was never in contact with us before our Mom died." said John

"Yeah she would been Jenny's grandmother." I said

"Yeah & she would spoil her a lot cause she always wanted to do that when she someday has grandkids but I wish she was still here but she's looking down being proud of me & Harley." said John

*Nat hears Harley going to the restroom and went and saw she was throwing up*

"Hey babe you okay?" I said as I bent down rubbing her back

"Yeah I think i'm o-" said Harley as she started throwing up again "I feel like crap babe."

"Babe its gonna be alright." I said as I continued rubbing her back

"My body burns babe." said Harley as she try to get up 

"You want me to carry you babe?" I said still rubbing her back

*Harley nodded yes & Nat picks her up and carries her back in the bed*

"You feeling okay now?" I said covering her up

"Yeah i'm really hot babe can you get me a wet rag babe?" said Harley as she breaths heavy

"Okay and you want me to get you some ice?" I said 

"Yes please & how's Jenny hanging around?" said Harley 

"She's doing good babe she's with her Uncle John right now." I said as I was about to walk out the room "You wanna see her for awhile?" 

"Yeah cause I haven't been able to be around her a lot." said Harley

"Okay i'll go get her after I get ur rag & ice okay babe?" I said

"Okay." said Harley

As soon as I walked out the room & gotten a cup of ice & got a wet rag & walked back in and gave it to Harley & walked out to get Jenny & I picked her up & went back in the room.

"Hey look theres Mama she wanting to see you but she can't hold you cause Mommy don't want you sick." I said sitting on the bed holding Jenny

"Hey Jenny what's Mommy's baby girl doing I wish I could hold you." said Harley as she smiles even though she's not feeling good still

So Jenny gotten to see her Mommy & we gotten to let her be with Harley for about an hour & I putted on some tv & we was watching Jill & Jessa: Counting On where Jinger started a courtship & after the episode went off Jenny fell asleep in my arms & Harley decided to take a pic of us & post it on instagram and John was already in his room asleep & I putted Jenny in her room & turned off the lamp & turned on the baby monitor & I walked back into the room Harley was already asleep so I changed into my pi's & got in the bed & laid down.

*Nat fell asleep*

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