Chapter 33: Time With Baby Girl

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~Nat's POV~

So Harley is about to wake up so I went to the living room to get Jenny cause Harley wants to spend time with Jenny and I walked back to the room & Harley was waking up.

"Hey look who it is Jenny is that Mama?" I said "Is that Mama?"

*Jenny making baby noise*

"Hey baby girl." said Harley as she gotten to hold Jenny "Were you watching some tv with Uncle John? uh-huh.

"You doing okay babe?" I said

"Yeah I think I'm okay." said Harley

"Okay babe & just remember everyone cares about you." I said as I held her hand

"I know babe." said Harley as she's holding Jenny on her lap

"Now remember you need to do this for Jenny okay?" I said 

"Okay." said Harley as she teared up

"Babe whats wrong?" I said holding her hand

"I just feel like I been a bad Mom lately?" said Harley crying

"Babe your a good Mom and I know you haven't been hardly around Jenny since you had the flashback & nightmare." I said as I hugged her "It's gonna be okay I promise."

"I just don't wanna hurt you or Jenny." said Harley as she cries on my chest and holding Jenny

"Your not hurting anybody babe just trust me their gonna help you & we all wanna help you I just don't wanna see you suffering through all this." I said

"I know babe." said Harley as she wipes her tears

 "Everything is gonna be okay just remember I will be right with you in the room okay?" I said as I hold her hand "I am gonna be right there with you." 

"Okay babe I love you." said Harley

"I love you too baby." I said as I leaned to kiss her

"And I love you princess." said Harley as she holds Jenny while she's just bouncing up and down

*So a few hours went by it was bed time & Jenny was already back in her room and John was already in his room sleeping*

I went into our room and she is just listening to Zombie by We As Human which is her most favorite song & one cause she loves zombies so she is in the bed and after the song ended she is listening to Brick By Boring Brick by Paramore she loves them and I heard Avril Lavigne & Paramore are gonna do the concerts so I am gonna surprise her the tickets for her birthday its gonna be early before her birthday though but she will love it. She is right now listening to Paramore's song That's What You Get which is her most favorite

"Hey babe you listening to Paramore?" I said getting in the bed

"Yeah." said Harley as she closed her laptop

"You getting tired babe?" I said scooting close to her

"Yeah I am so tired." said Harley

"We gotta get some sleep you got appointment in the morning with the pshycotrist." I said as I gave her a kiss

"I love you." said Harley as she kissed me back

*They made out of a few mins*

So me & Harley made out for a few mins and she's already asleep so I decided to go on my phone to check social media me & Alex still share twitter & instagram so I checked on tweets and all my Wolffie's are so amazing and supportive of me & Alex and they love seeing pics of Jenny & their all supporting Harley they are amazing I never been so blessed and I am just looking at my beautiful wife just sleeping so peacefully I love her a lot and she is the best gift I ever gotten and what the best gift was her love & our daughter I love my daughter so much she's just so beautiful just like her Harley thats part she has and I know Jenny is gonna be a good big sis one day & were still waiting till Jenny is at least 3 or 4 years old before me & Harley even try go have another baby so I am just scrolling through my phone and after checking twitter I got off my phone & turned off my lamp.

*Every one is asleep*

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