Chapter 40: Harley Smiles

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~Harley's POV~

So it's Christmas Eve and me, Nat & John are still wrapping Jenny's presents and I am so excited to see Jenny's first Christmas and we wrapped up John's presents and I already did Nat's and I am so excited for the morning and tomorrow after we open presents were gonna go to Aunt Sierra's and have family time and getting to see my family of my Mom side they already met Nat cause they was at mine & Nat's wedding and then I see John walking in.

"Hey bubs how what's up?" I said

"None I got something to tell y'all." said John

"Sure tell us anything." said Nat

"Well me & Camren have known each other now and I think I am gonna pop the question." said John

"You mean your gonna ask her to marry you?" I said

"Dude thats awesome go for it man." said Nat

"My little brother is growing up." I said as I was hugging my brother

"I am gonna ask her tomorrow on Christmas day and it's gonna be the best present she's ever gonna have." said John

"That's amazing bubs I can't believe my baby brother is gonna propose it's like yesterday I was taking care of you when you were little." I said 

As the time flew I putted out the Milk and cookies for Santa and I got my pajama's on and everyone went to sleep and Nat already went to sleep so I turned on a movie and I decided to watch Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets.

*Harley feel asleep at the part where Harry and Ron finds the chamber of secrets*

*Christmas day*

So everyone got up and Nat went and got Jenny and Camren was already here she just got over to the apartment not to long ago and we all waited and Jenny got to open her first stocking and she has a teddy bear and everyone was just opening their presents and then John gets all ready to pop the big question.

~John's POV~

So I went back to my room to get the ring and I am a bit nervous but I am gonna ask her to marry me so as I got out of my room everyone was waiting and I saw Camren sitting and I was really shaky right now but I can do this.

"Hey Camren I got something I want you to never forget." I said as I take out the ring

"Oh my gosh babe are you serious?" said Camren

"Will you marry me?" I said

"Yes babe yes." said Camren as she got up and kissed me

"Did you hear that Jenny?" said Nat "Uncle John is getting married your getting a Aunt."

So everyone was happy and Camren was crying of happiness and so was Harley and Nat just gave me a hug also and we went and finished opening up presents and things have been amazing it's the 1st time Harley ever smiles she hasn't smiled much anymore since Mom died and I am so happy my sister is doing well she still will get help from time to time but I am proud of her.


( This is the last chapter but have no fear there will be a next sequel of The Lives Of Harley and John Blake series. @Skilletsoldiers248 I wanna thank him for collabing with me on the series and also I will try to write after December so hope everyone enjoyed.)

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