Chapter 3: Harley's Baby Bump

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*As time went by*

*12 Weeks Pregnant*

~Harley's POV~

So I am 12 weeks pregnant my belly is growing & I am still in my first trimester & its going really well it sucks I can't fit into my jeans mostly thats the struggle of being pregnant but I am going to have lunch with Halston, Jaz & Shailene today to have some girl time & probably have baby talks but it's gonna be fun so I am just gonna wear a long dress & some sandals & some jewelry & i'm waiting for Jaz to text to let me know when its time so I am just watching some Skillet concur videos & yes I am still fangirling Skillet even though I'm married & pregnant I will always get a dose of Skillet.

*Harley watching Skillet concerts on Youtube*

"Hey babe you watching another Skillet concert?" said Nat as he puts his arms around me & kisses my cheek

"Yeah I am waiting to hear from Jaz cause me, Shailene, and Halston are gonna have some girls time." I said while holding on Nat's arm

"Thats good you got to spend time with the girls cause I got big plans with the guys tonight were gonna play video games, get burgers, & watch movies, and just do guy things." said Nat

*Harley's phone beeps & its Jaz*

"Hey babe Jaz just texted I will see you later okay babe I love you." I said

"Okay babe I love you too you girls have fun." said Nat as he kissed me

*At the restaurant with the girls*

"So how is the pregnancy going for you?" said Shailene

 "It's going good I think I may had passed the morning sickness." I said 

"Your belly is growing though but your still beautiful." said Halston

"Thanks & I can't wait to find out the gender." I said

"So have you & Nat had picked out any names for the baby?" said Jaz

"If it's a boy were gonna name him Luke Matthew Wolff & if it's a girl were naming her Jenny Caroline Wolff but where gonna call her Jen for short cause it's after Jen Ledger from Skillet." I said as I feel my pregnant belly

"I wanna spoil him/her so badly." said Halston as she starts feeling my belly 

"Me & Nat are moving to a 3 bedroom apartment cause my brother still lives with me & we just need room for the baby that way it be easy for us so were gonna move just after the baby is born." I said

"Man just wait till your in labor." said Jaz

"I rather not think about that right now cause I am only 12 weeks & 2 days pregnant." I said as I giggled

"Well there is a lot of things to get prepared for the baby." said Shailene

"Yeah me & after I know the gender where going shopping for baby stuff." I said

"We all need to do that." said Halston

"And were gonna also throw her a baby shower." said Jaz

"Yeah but were gonna put that on hold until we find out the gender." I said

*So the girls just sat around having some baby talks & then a few minutes later they all went home*

*Harley's back at the apartment*

"Hey babe how was time with the girls?" said Nat as he came & hugged and kissed me

"It was good just had baby talks & anything baby related & I'm just really tired I could have a nap right now I just had a long day." I said as I yawned

"I could use a nap too cause me & the guys been like my gosh Ansel was tearing up the place like he was like cray over the video games & John was like being all that when we was playing video games & I am just ready to sleep but I just thought I wait on you babe." said Nat as he keeps on hugging & kissing me

"I could have a cuddle babe." I said as I yawned again

"Want me to carry you?" said Nat as he kisses my forehead

"If you want too." I said

*Nat carries Harley into the room & Harley got on sweatpants & a t-shirt & Nat is just wearing pajama bottoms & a t-shirt & they got in the bed & cuddled & then fell asleep*

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